Arthur K.M.O

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Occupation ICT Professional
Location Kampala, Kampala, Uganda
Introduction I love being real, I love being objective and having honest discussions, I want to make this world better by making my contribution on this earth. My legacy has to be one of purpose and through writing, I will leave valuable lessons that can help any reader throughout the world. It should be written of me that I transformed, Impacted, and empowered lives.
Interests Financial Literacy, Cybersecurity, Leadership, Support for The Needy, Community Leadership, Connecting with Vulnerable people, playing and watching basketball
Favorite Movies Coach Carter, Remember the Titans, Lifes long journey
Favorite Music Gospel music that liberates not captivates
Favorite Books Money won't make you rich, How To Secure Your Financial Future, Church Shift

What would you want to be written on your Tomb stone? our days are numbered.