
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Being Mysterious....
Location Forsaken my Igloo, Woodland, Canada
Introduction I'm a mother and a total do-it-yourselfer. Love working with my hands. Hate doing the same thing twice. I will purposely go against the grain only because someone said it can't be done. Stubborn as hell, giving up is not even on the radar. Passionate people interest me....
Interests I Love Adventure, Reading, Writing, Learning, Running, Working out, Red Wine, Woodcarving, Crafting, Collecting, Sketching, Designing, Customizing, Stargazing. I'm a drummer at heart... Finally got my own kit. I Love spending time with my big black dog, Lucky :-)
Favorite Movies The Black Stallion, Planet Earth, How to Train Your Dragon (Childhood fantasy)
Favorite Music I like Variety... SILENCE is My New Favorite.
Favorite Books Love books, mostly Self-help and DIY... Love words, details, and pictures, lots of pictures ;-)

Being from Canada, I'm new to the world of III percenters. Passion, Dedication and the Willingness to Stand by your Convictions are things I really admire, You Folks are an Awesome bunch :-) III to III