menopausal mama
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Gem Bullock
- Food Corner
- Views of an Optimist
- <br> Start of Something
- ♥Lisa♥ - Queen of Random
- Young Mum's Guide To Survival
- A Day in the Life of Calleigh Emma
- A Little Bit of Brandy
- Pondered Primed Perfected
- simply Suzan
- Tabi Happy
- DeCENT Treasures
- Life and Linda
- Mateusz Photography
- O fata simpla
- Pursuit of Functional Home
- The Positive Window
- "DEMAS"~drj7
- "Prowess and Pearls" by Michell Pulliam
- "That's comma with a K"
- #mommylife
- (then there was us)
- *Domestically Unemployed*
- *Losing My Weight Gaining My Life*
- *Newlywed Moments*
- *~ The Glambulance | Cruelty Free Beauty &amp; Lifestyle ~*
- -Queen Treasure-
- .
- .
- . . . for Lauren and Lauren
- . Make . Me . Up . Mandy .
- ..........................................................
- in the moment...
- 2justByou
- 365 Days With Sara Style
- 3twentysix
- 75% Hippie
- <b>Adventures of a Misfit Librarian</b>
- <center> a day in the life of me </center>
- <center>9 months, 18 years &amp; a Lifetime</center>
- <center>Blog Fabilila</center>
- <center>~ Logistically Large ~</center>
- @ Home Take 2
- [A Daft Scots Lass]
- [insert sarcastic remark here]
- A
- A Baker's House
- A Beautiful Mess!
- A Beautiful World...
- A Bit of Serendipity
- A Blessed and Blissful Life
- A Brit and her Yank
- A Brunette Duet
- a champagne dream
- A Dose of Paige
- A Fabulous Frenzy
- A Fly on Our (Chicken Coop) Wall
- a happier girl
- A Healthy State of Mind
- a little bit of everything
- A Little bit of Everything--
- A Little Time
- A Little Unhinged
- A Lotta Piñata!
- A New Day With Christ
- A Not So Smalltown Housewife
- A Ruthless Life
- A Saucy Stitch
- A Southern Transplant
- a traveling Wife
- A.D.D. Music Mamma
- Aaliyah Pauyo
- Academic Affair
- Addicted to Recipes
- Addictive Allens
- Adobe Photoshop Tutorials
- Adorned From Above
- Adventure into Domesticland
- AdventureBird
- Adventures in Hickey Land
- Adventures in Mommyland
- Adventures of a Military Family of 8
- Adventures of a Semper Fi Family
- Adventures Of A Yorkshire Mum
- Adventures of Brad &amp; Kendra
- Adventures with Captain Destructo
- Adventures with four: Living and loving life with four!
- afreshstartonabudget
- Against the Grain
- Akashic Aisles: The Basement View
- Alderberry Hill
- Alice On Vacation
- all about being glam
- All in a Day's Work...
- All in a Soiree
- All My Happy Endings
- all my lives now...ChChChChanges
- All Things Beautiful
- Along These Lines ....
- Amber Nicole
- AmeriAus
- An Early Morning
- Anchors &amp; Honey
- And Life Goes On...An Angel and a Rainbow
- Andaman Places to Visit, Destinations to See
- AndRoSEEk
- Angelic Reiki
- Angry Image
- Ann Again... and again Reviews
- Anne Dickens | The Day After Yesterday
- Annie's Blog of Love
- Annie's Blog of love
- Another New Day
- Archie's Family
- Arrow In The Eye
- Artistic Hands of Faith
- At Home with Debby test
- au naturel design
- Avalon Cat Cartoons
- Awakenings
- Babies, Books, and Beyond
- Babushka's Baile
- Baby Baker Love
- Back For Seconds
- Back to the Basics!
- Backsies Is What There Is Not
- Bad Word Mama!
- Baking in a Tornado
- Balancing Act
- Ballistic Gypsy
- Barefoot Hippie Girl
- Baxtron{Life}
- Bea's Beauty Paradise
- Bean Counting Mommy
- Bear Rabbit Bear Crafts
- Beautiful Africa
- Beautifully Quirky
- Beautifully Tailored
- Beauty At Times is Skin Deep
- Beauty for Ashes
- BeautyFlyStar
- Because Shanna Said So...
- Becoming Martha
- Before Coffee ♥ After Wine
- Beginning with Becca
- Being a momma to twins!
- Bell Jar Vintage
- bella
- Bellezza Bee
- BericeBaby || London Parent and Lifestyle Blog
- BIG A little a
- Big Apple Mami
- birth of a mum
- Bits of moon
- Black Diamond
- Black Ink Paperie
- Black Sheep Mom
- Blending A Family of Dorks
- Blessed {bles-id}
- Blood, Guts + Lipstick
- Blow a Rainbow
- Blue Eyed Owl
- bonn bonn - a little bit of this and that.
- Boogies N BooBoos
- Book Wonder
- Brenda's Survivor Blog!
- Bridgette Nicole
- British, Bargains, and Beauty!
- Britni Alexis
- Brittney Marie
- Broken Birds, The Story of My Momila
- Bryan Jones' Diary - the ramblings of a menopausal man
- Bullock's Buzz
- Bungalow960
- Bunnies and Pearls
- BurnsMillie
- Caffeinated Country Diva
- Caffeinated Diva Diaries
- Call Me PMc
- Calm Delight
- Camo-Colored Chaos
- Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine with my morning quiet time?
- Carole's Chatter
- Carole's Chatter Blog Tips
- Carousel Creations Soap
- Casual Chic Mom
- Catch My Words
- CC Makes Stuff
- Celebrating LIFE
- Cerita Anak Kost
- Chase All Your Dreams
- Chase the Star
- Chasing Big Dreams
- Chasing Hailey
- Chasing Kids and Dreams
- Chatty Crone
- Cheer Mama Drama
- Chevron Stitches
- Chips off the old Block
- Chits and Giggles
- Chocolate Covered Buttons
- ChrissyAi
- Christina Holmes
- Christina Lorane Designs
- Christy's Crafty Corner
- Chronic Christian Crafter
- Cindy's Mom Moments
- Clarks Condensed
- Clear It Waste
- Coco et La vie en rose
- ColdhamCuddliescalling
- College-Nanny Chronicles
- Collette Hendler Nurse and Scribe
- Come What May
- ComfyTown Chronicles
- Confessions of a Failing Domestic Goddess
- Confessions of a Newlywed
- Confessions of a Redheaded Mama
- Connie Can Crop
- Consider Me Inspired
- Cookies for Breakfast
- Cooking on the Front Burner
- Corey's Creative Corner
- Cort for Short
- Coupon Gator Mommy
- Couponing &amp; Cooking
- Crafting and Creativity
- Crafty Home Improvement (Mis)Adventures
- Cramer Coffee and Jesus
- Cranky old man
- Crazy Mama Drama
- Crazy Mama Llama
- Crazylittlelovebirds
- CreaCtive way of life
- Create.Craft.Love.
- CreateEnjoyShare
- CreateEnjoyShare
- Cropped Stories
- Cummins Life
- Cupcakes &amp; Sippy Cups
- Curious Sprinkles
- Curious Wisdom and Other Everyday practicalities..
- Currently Cultivating
- Curvy Girl Blogs: Plus Size Clothing
- cute boys plz avert ur eyes
- Cutesy Bootsie
- D.I.Y. Louisville
- Daddy Space
- Daily Ramblings
- Dallas Mom Blog and Fort Worth Mom Blogger: Trendy Mom Reviews
- Darling Dame
- Darlingist Dr. Momsie
- DASH Interiors
- Dates 2 Diapers
- Day by Day With Beth Marie
- Daydreaming Realist
- De primo
- Dear Owen
- Decorate Vintage
- Decorating &amp; Anxiety
- Deezy Does It!
- Defining Hope
- Deidre Emme
- Deliberation and Contemplation
- Delightful Ideas By lala
- Delightfully Ludicrous
- Departing the Text
- Design Addiction
- Design Fluff
- Design Stash
- DianaLuv
- Diary Of A BreastFeeding Mama
- Diary of a Debutante
- Diary Of A Makeup Geek Blog
- Discover. Create. Live.
- Discovering Ranch Life
- Disney Girl
- Domestic Deficit Disorder
- Don't Chew On The Dinner Table!
- Dragonflies@Dawn
- Dreams in the Shade of Ink
- drinkcitra
- Dual Voltage
- Dustykatt's Stuff
- Ebb and Flow
- Ehmscapades
- Ellalogy
- Elle Sees|| Beauty Blogger in Atlanta
- Ellie Great
- Em-Musing
- emily chappell photography
- Emma Bailey
- Emma's Pet Portraits
- Emmy in the Making
- Encouragement For Everyday Struggles
- Enjoyer of Grace
- Ephesians 5:33 Wife
- Erica's Walk
- Erin Morris
- Erin The Irish Mama
- Esther Norine
- Evangelize To Me
- Even Sweeter Dreams
- Every Day Is A Country Song
- Everyday Morning
- Everyday To Us
- Everyday with Amanda Mae
- Everything in Between
- Evoluchun's Miscellaneous
- Fabu-less In Heels
- faithlife365
- Falling In Style
- Family Darr
- Family, Food and Travel
- Fancy things
- Fashion Beauty Etc
- Fashion With Fitness
- Fashionably Forty
- Fashionholic' Sparkle
- Favor the Brave
- Fear No More...A Day in the Life
- Feeding Big and more
- Fiddle Dee-Dee
- First Time Mom and Dad
- Fitness Blondie
- Five Foot Seven
- FliPinay Wee Blether
- follow me home
- Follow the Ruels
- Followers to Friends Blog Party
- FoodThoughtsOfaChefWannabe
- For Him and My Family
- For Miami and Love
- For the Love of Kids!
- For what it's worth
- Forever Lovely
- Framed Frosting
- Frazzled Shell
- Freda Fro
- fresh juniper
- From Awkward To Art
- From Grandma With Love
- From the Kitchen of Mama Harris
- From Where I am...
- frontrow.
- Frugal Foodie Mama
- Fun Inventors
- Funny PostPartum Lady
- Futures.
- G.I. Joe's Wife
- Gail's Forum
- Gelai Bee
- Gia M.
- Gifts From The Kitchen
- Gina´s Welt
- Girl Booklet
- GirlfriendsAreLikeShoes
- girlsgonefood
- Give This Girl <i>Coffee...</i>
- Glam Hungry Mom
- Glamorous, Affordable Life
- Glossy Blonde
- God's Growing Garden
- Going with the flow.
- Goings on in Texas...
- Good Morning Gal Pals
- grace grits and gardening
- Graceful Disaster...Life, Parenting &amp; Humor
- Graceful Little Honey Bee
- Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded
- Green Chiles &amp; Ramen
- Green Monkey Tales
- Growing Beanie Babies
- Growing up a NJ Wife
- Growing, Laughing and Loving in Life
- Guest blogging sites | Free Article Submission webSites| Submit Article | Free Article Submission
- Hairspray and High Heels: "A Jersey Girl's Guide to Beauty"
- Hand In Hand
- Handmade Love
- Handmade Tears and Triumphs
- Happily Ever Ashley
- Happiness at Mid-Life
- Happy Hippie Heart
- Happy Kids, Inc
- Happy Little Feet
- Hart to Heart
- Hated on the Playground
- Health and wealth
- Healthy Life, Happy Life
- Hear The Bells'...
- Heart Shaped Sweat
- Heartbeat Magazine
- heidi's wanderings
- Helene in Between
- Hello Awesome
- Hello Paper Moon
- hello, pig
- Her &amp; Nicole
- Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk
- Hey, Belly!
- hey.Heidi
- Hi! It's Jilly.
- High Heels and Grills
- Home Bird Economics
- Home For4 Sweet Home
- Homegrown Love
- HomePayge Blog
- Honestly Myranda
- Honeys World
- Hot Flash'n Craft'n
- House Full of Boys
- House of Vickers
- how quaint
- How We Learn at Home
- Huggable Friends
- Humans are a narrative species. So let me tell you my stories.
- Humboldt Cherry
- I Create Purty Thangs
- I Have Something to Say . . . I Think
- I Heart Pears
- I Heart Running
- I Love Doing All Things Crafty
- I Love to Review/Win
- I Think; Therefore, I Yam
- I Want a Dumpster Baby
- I'm Talking
- Immortal_World_of_Me
- Ink Dipped Moon
- Ino-Yasha's Blog
- Inspired Kreations
- Interpreted by Me
- Irish Italian Blessings
- It Is Interesting To Note...
- It's a Long Story
- It's Not My Workout, It's My Diagnosis
- it's the journey...
- Jade and Oak
- Janette Lane
- Jei's Crochet and More
- Jellibean Journals
- Jen's Tangled Threads
- Jenn's Random Scraps
- Jess, etc.
- Jessica's Casserole
- Joan Ellen Cornell
- Joie de V
- Jollyjillys
- Journeys of The Zoo
- Joys Of Life
- Judy H-J's Thoughts - A Twinless Twin
- Judy's Handmade Creations
- Juggling Act
- just dawnelle
- Just Dip It In Chocolate
- Just Kaela
- Just Keepin' It Real, Folks!
- just the two of us
- k and camera
- kadydid designs
- Kassica
- Katherine Unique - fashion and lifestyle
- Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's
- Kendra Kay
- Kimberly's Korner
- kiran funny jokes
- Kisha Jaggers
- kissing the frog
- Kyoticrafts
- La Belle Dame Sans Merci
- La Dulce Vida ~ The Sweet Life
- La Tejana
- Lace, Lemons and Love
- LadyLavender © 2013
- lala Lists
- Lattes and Love
- Laugh with Ash
- Laura @Storybook Reality
- LauraLeesDream
- Lawless Life
- Leettle House In Kentucky
- Leilinha &amp; Amigos!
- Leisure Lanae
- Lena B, Actually
- Letters from Launna
- Life &amp; Everything Else In Between
- Life &amp; Leopard
- Life According to Lenetta
- Life After...
- Life by Chocolate: Robyn Alana Engel's Blog
- Life Cherries
- Life In A Break Down | UK | Lifestyle Blog | Beauty Blog
- life in my empty nest
- Life in Scrubs and Pearls
- Life in the Boys' Locker Room
- Life in the Mommy Lane
- Life On a Mission
- Life on Lakeshore Drive
- Life on Peanut Layne
- Life on the Funny Farm
- Life Through My Eyes
- Life Unfiltered
- life unpublished
- Life With Boys
- Life With Grace
- Life with Twins &amp; a Drama Queen!
- Life's Sweetest Little Blessings
- Life, Experience Needed
- Light and Sweet
- Like Mama ~ Like Daughter
- Lil' Mrs. Tori
- Lilibud&#39;s Garden &amp; Crafts
- lillies&amp;silk
- Lip Gloss and Lumber
- Lipstick &amp; Lace | A Beauty, Fashion &amp; Lifestyle Blog
- Lipstick Days
- Literary Getaway
- Little Angel on a Mission
- Little foal.
- Little Loves
- little maple leaf
- Little Miss Alizzi
- Little Mrs Hurley
- Little Mudpies
- Little Voice Archives
- Little Waterlily, Big Pond
- Liv Love Laugh
- Live in my Heart
- Live Laugh Love
- Live.Laugh.L0ve.
- Living Colorfully
- Living Pretty
- Lizzandco_
- Looking Through The Lens
- Love 2 Create
- Love Always, E :-)
- Love and Laundry
- Love Bakes Good Cakes
- Love Lo
- Love, Christin | A Lifestyle Momprenuer Blog
- Lovejoy Junction!
- Lovely memories
- LovelyLittleOne
- Luker Family Tales
- M O T H E R OF B E E E S
- Mad Girl's Love Song
- Madame Keke - The Luxury Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
- Made By Momma
- Mai Jaha Jata Hoon Chha Jata Hoon
- Mail4Rosey
- MAKAILA LYNN - Distinctly M
- Make It Count
- Makeup Obsessed Mom
- Making the Most of Midlife
- Mama Rocks Fitness
- Mama Winkle tell's me so...
- Mara Papado - Οίκος Ραπτικής Κουρτινών
- Marathons and Dog Tags
- Marigold Road | Mindy Harris
- Marine Wife, Mommy &amp; Life
- Marissa
- Mary-andering Creatively
- Mary-andering Thoughts and Issues
- Mason...Like The Jar
- Maybelater
- McGuire Family Blog
- me &amp; my {beautiful} mess
- Me + the Moon
- Me and My New Life
- meet.make.laugh.
- Meggie Frue
- Melissa Kaylene
- Memoirs of Me &amp; Mine
- Memories by the Mile
- Menopausal Mother
- Menopause Flashes | Turning Up The Heat
- Messy Moms Radio
- MessyDirtyHair
- Michelle's Pixie Dust
- Mietteitä matkan varrelta
- Milkie Mama
- miller mémoires
- Millie's Little Palace
- minted diaries
- Missy Inspired
- Misty Sanders
- Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom
- ModaMama
- moe talks a lot
- Mom Fitting it All In
- Mom In The USA
- Mom on the Run x2
- Momaical
- Moments Unexpected
- Mommy Bags.....
- Mommy Has A Headache
- Mommy Has Cents
- mommy is coo coo
- Mommy Life Uncensored
- mommy summers
- Mommy Time Out
- Mommy's Juice!
- Mommy's Mingle
- MommyTrying2SurviveMonday
- momstestkitchen
- Monicas Rants Raves and Reviews
- More Than Mommies
- Motherfodders
- mothersofbrothersblog
- Motivated Mommy
- Mrs-Management
- Mrs. Jennifer Lynn
- Ms Beth Marie's Recipes
- Ms. Adventures!
- Mummy Rawles
- Musings of a Writer Mom
- Muslimahluvsmakeup
- My Beautiful Life
- My Crafty Collections
- My Crazy Family
- My Daily Jenn-ism
- My Half Assed Life
- My Life As.....
- My Life In The Nutt House
- My Lil' Budget Blog
- My Makeup Boxes
- My Personal Biography: Chaos, Commotion, and Emotion
- My Pleasant Nightmare
- My recent favorite books
- My Spouse Has Epilepsy
- My Sweet Haven
- My Tribute To The Beatles!
- My {not so} Glamorous Life
- mydearwatson
- Myoland Side
- Nadine Rebecca
- Nameless fashion blog - Elisa Zanetti
- Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
- Nanny to Mommy
- Naptime Review
- NaturalHairLatina
- NaturalHairLatina
- Naturally Curly Kinky
- Neath My Heart
- Need A Blog Hop?
- Never a Dull Moment
- New English Mum in America
- New Momma Beckers
- Nik the Makeup Junkie
- Noor's Place - Design + Creativity twisted in Pakistani Lifestyle
- North Atlanta Lifestyle
- Northern Beauty Blogs
- Not Dead Yet Style
- Not In Jersey
- Not_Enough_Crafts_Supplies
- Notes from the Nelsens
- now a queen blog
- Nugget On A Budget
- Nuhunsugih
- Officially Girly-Fied
- Oh Abby Day
- Oh So Amelia
- Olive &amp; Ivy: a lifestyle, fashion &amp; design blog
- Ollie McKay's Chic Boutique Blog
- On the Alberta/Montana Border
- Once an obssessive, always a compulsive :)
- One Crafty Mess - HAPPINESS handmade
- one day....
- One Realistic Mom
- Operation Skinny Jeans
- Organized Chaos
- Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl
- Our Happily Ever After
- Our Little Balham Life
- Our Love and Our Blessing
- Our Simple Life 2015
- Out of Bounds with Jay
- Outside the Frame
- Pacifiers, Pumps And The World
- Paintbrush and Screwdriver
- Pamela's Heavenly Treats
- Panchalibolchi
- Paradise Found
- Pary Moppins
- Paula Jean
- Pearls &amp; Afro Puffs
- Pencil Skirts and Noodle Necklaces
- Penguins, Pasta &amp; Polka Dots
- People I Want to Punch in the Throat
- Pieces of love
- Pinklet and C
- Pirate's Wench Book Reviews
- Pittypat's Reborn Nursery
- Pocket-sized Birdie
- poemsbyninotaziz
- Pointing Up
- Pondering Pam
- Positively Amy
- Postcards from Rachel
- Practically Imperfect
- Precious Pages by Paula
- Preppy Premed
- Project 6x6
- Prosperity and Frugal Living
- Psycho Chick Lessons
- Pull My Funnybone
- Pumpkin Loves
- Pure Coupon Magic
- Purple Hues and Me
- Purse Keys and Babies
- Pushing the Lemons
- Puzzle Me Complete ... Believer, Mother, Teacher, Writer.
- Quality Services 4 All
- quintonwench
- Rachel Roaming
- RachelsBeautyLife
- Raige Creations
- rainbows and beauty
- Raising Bean
- Raising Memories: Making &amp; Documenting Family Memories
- Rambles By Gina
- Ramblings of a Southern Belle
- Ramblings of an Aging Hot Girl
- Random Ramblings
- Rapid Promo's
- Raych Ramos
- Rayne Storm's Musings
- Rays of Purple
- Readers In Wonderland
- Reasons to Procrastinate
- Rebekah Grace
- Rebel Damsel | Makeup, Beauty &amp; Fashion Blog
- Red Lips, Curvy Hips.
- refinehere
- Refrigerator Memories
- Retired and loving it
- Revamp Spunky Rena
- Riding the Crazy Train: Diary of a Delirious Mom
- Road Jes Traveled
- Robyn's View
- Rock Bottom
- Rosdiana's Little World
- Rum-Punch Drunk
- Running on Empty
- S A O L S O N A
- S.O.S. Mom
- Sabrina Osman
- SadieLooHoo
- Sand in my Pocket
- Sandy's Space --
- Sangay Duba's Random Thoughts
- Sarahs Segovia Photography
- SaraMontana Says..
- Sassy and Sarcastic
- Savard Studios
- Save Green Being Green
- Saved Sister
- Scrap Happy in Ohio
- Searching for sanity
- Second Ave Photography | Northern Virginia Lifestyle Photographer
- Second Chance to Dream
- Second Hand Solace
- See You There
- Serger Pepper
- Seriously?!
- seven . one . two
- Sew Caroline
- Sew Cherry
- Sewing Our Life Together
- Sexy Heffer
- Shabby Chic + Cheap
- shannellee
- Shaping Up To Be A Mom
- She cooks, She crafts, She Runs
- She Is Fierce
- Sherab Tenzin's Blog
- Shit I Don't Tell Most People
- Shona Skye Creative
- Shopping Obsession
- Short on Ideas
- Silver Lining
- Simply Clarke
- Simply Heavenly Food
- Simply Sarah
- simply the thing that I am shall make me live /// ETERNAL SIMPLICITY
- Simply This and that
- SimplyHeather
- Sincerely Jen
- Sinead in the Sun
- Sit, Mom, Sit.
- Slu's World...
- small things
- Snarkfest
- Sole Searching Mama
- Someday We'll Know
- Something Like Glamour
- Somewhere In This World
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow
- Sorry kid, your mom doesn't play well with others
- Sosie's Mama
- Southern Ramblings
- Southern Beauty Guide
- Southern Charm
- Southern Chic Love
- Southern Comfort, from a Yankee Perspective
- Southern Grace
- Southern-Direction
- Sparkle, elle crafts
- Speaking My Mind
- Spice Up Blogging And Technology
- Splash of Whine
- Spreading Seeds of Happiness
- Sprouting Creative Wings
- stesha rose.
- Stories About My Underpants
- Stories of Kel
- Stress Case
- Stringtown Home
- Stuff, Things, etc.
- Stuff-n-Such By Lisa
- Style High Street
- Style Elixir - Fashion, Beauty, Fitness and Health - A Lifestyle Blog
- Sugar in My Grits
- Sunshine and a Summer Breeze
- Sunshine State Mom
- Super Earthling
- Sweeping Mama
- Sweet Boutique
- Sweet Little Ellie
- sweet southern bliss
- Sweet Style by Tere Avila
- Sweetwater Style
- Swirls and Scribbles - A Lifestyle Blog
- T H E P R E T T ¥ V A I N
- Taira XO
- Take A Walk In My Shoes
- Taking the Plunge
- Tara's Treats'
- Tease Flutter Pout
- Ten Autumn Galaxy ♥
- Tennessee Honey
- terrileanne
- Thankful Me
- That's Life ... Sometimes!!!
- The (Not so) Fascinating Life of Tabitha
- The 4 Bears
- The Adventures of a Pastors Wife
- The Adventures of Batgirl
- the Anna Delores blog.
- The Aussie Hausfrau
- The Backwards Bride
- the boots parade
- The Casual Stay at Home
- the Charming
- The Chirping Moms
- The Closet Intellectual
- the collard family
- The Cottage Diaries
- The Crafty Side Of Sarcasm
- The Daily Frenchie
- The Daily Post
- The Domestic Doozie
- The Dreamy Meadow
- The Dwelling Tree
- The Eclectic Grab Bag
- The Everyday Things Blog
- The Eyes of a Boy
- The Farrar Four
- The Fashionable, Fit Traveler
- The Feral Turtle
- The Foley Fam - Unedited
- The Framed Lady
- The Frugal Exerciser
- The Gallivanting Girl Blog
- The Gingerbread Blog
- The Greek Housewife
- The Happy Clown With A Frown
- the harding's
- The Importance of Being Reese
- The Insane Asylum
- The Insomniac's Dream
- The Intentional Momma
- The Jack Chronicles
- The Kraus House Mom
- The Larson Lingo
- The Lewis Life
- The Life &amp; Times of E1
- The Life Challenge
- The Life of Bon
- The Low Country Socialite
- The Mama Mantras
- The Marvelous Flight of Cara
- The Messy Roost
- The Mix Gal
- The Mommy Blog Hoppers
- The Mosbys in China
- The Motivated Fat Girl
- The Mrs.
- the MRS. &amp; the MOMMA
- The Nap Time Chronicles
- The Nerdy Side of Life
- The OT Toolbox
- The Pink Momma
- The Pinspired Mom
- The Poetteer
- The Pretty Junkie
- The Pretty Pinhead
- The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum
- The Sapphire Queen
- The Seaman Mom
- The Somewhat Sane Mom
- the Songs on the Way
- The Southern Northerner
- The Students Wife
- The Stuff Of Success
- The Sweetest Things...
- The Tao of Poop
- The Taylor House
- The Terrible Threes- Three kids, one exhausted mom. A whole lotta snark.
- the thing about joy...
- The Things We Find Inside
- The Three Whiskateers
- The Thriftiness Miss
- The Thrifty Rebel
- The Travelin-gineer
- The Traveling Classroom
- The Trunk Blog
- The Unlost Wanderer
- The Vanilla Tulip
- The Well Tempered Bards
- The Wiegands
- The Winter Piker
- the worstest mommy
- The Wright Stuff
- The Zookeeper's Wife
- Then I Laughed
- theramblingcouchpotato
- There's Magic Out There
- There's Something About Michiko
- Theresa's Mixed Nuts
- These Happy Times
- Things I Love
- Thirsty World
- This and that
- This day I love.......
- This Gal Cooks
- This Girl Loves // UK Travel and Beauty Blog
- This Girl's Life Blog
- this is happiness
- This is why I drink wine...
- This Mom Needs Wine
- thistles and twigs
- Thoughts and Images Along the Way
- Three Dawg Lady Designs
- Three Inch Stitch
- Three Little Ferns
- Three Sisters and Us
- Three Water Babies
- Thrift Shop Commando
- Through the Eyes of the Mrs.
- Tick Tock MY Clock
- Tid Bits of Experience
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- to the sea
- today is a miracle
- Today with the Tennerys
- Today's Writing Woman
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- Topiary Rose
- Totally Random Shuffle
- totally_rachel
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- trains in my thoughts
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- Traveling Kids On The Go
- Traveling Steps
- Treats With a Twist
- Tri-ing to be Athletic
- True Aim Education
- Trussty Jasmine
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- Two In Diapers
- Two Point Five Kids
- Two Thirds Hazel
- Under the Same Blue Sky
- Under The Suburban Sun
- Undiagnosed but Okay
- Ungirdled Passion
- Unintentional SAHM
- urbanscenes
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- Wallisfarm's Daily Walk
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- Warm &amp; Fuzzy
- Warning: Your Kid Might Just Do This
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- We Took the Road Less Traveled
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- Weight Loss Issue
- Welcome to Me
- Well-Traveled Wife
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- Western Warmth
- What Jean Likes
- What the Pooh Dude?
- What's Cooking in the Burbs
- When Home is Not a Place
- When The Kids Are Bored
- Whimsical Mumblings
- Whimsy Ways
- Whispering Sweet Nothings
- Who Woulda Thought?
- Whole Soul Jewelry Blog
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- With Curls &amp; Cocktails
- Wonder Riot
- Wonderfully Messy Kitchen
- Wonderfully Messy Mom
- Writing Beauty
- Wuthering Iris
- WV Stitcher
- xoxo Rebecca
- XxxLoveIsBeautyxxX
- Year of Sarah
- Yellow Umbrella
- Yeung Mother Hubbard
- You Are The Roots
- You Just Do
- You Know It Happens At Your House Too
- you know what i like the most???
- You're my favorite today.
- Your Daily Dose of Damn!
- Your Doctor's Wife
- {Country} Life ... <br> with a front porch view
Gender | Female |
Introduction | Musings on the good, the bad, and the ugly side of menopausal mayhem. I'm a thirty-something woman (yeah, right...) trapped inside the body of a middle aged, menopausal mama. If you bring me wine and a large jar of Nutella, I'll be your best friend. Hey, it's either laugh or cry folks, and I prefer off-the-wall humor. Welcome to the nuthouse. |
Interests | gardening, animals, baking, writing |
Favorite Movies | secret garden |
Favorite Music | anything and all! |
Favorite Books | anything by erma bombeck! |
if you could reinvent yourself who would you be?