Winslow Robertson

My blogs

About me

Location United States
Introduction It began with the wrong color. I must have been ten years old. I was in Accra, Ghana, eating lunch after getting home from school when I noticed that the rice I was eating was not white. Nor brown. Nor yellow. But Pink. I asked my cook, Christina, to explain, and she led me to the pantry where I saw that the sack of rice had it's ink bleed onto the grains. I noticed that the sack had strange marks on it. "Those are Chinese words." "Chinese words? Why are Chinese words on this sack?" "Because this rice comes from China, Winslow." "You mean it isn't from Ghana?" I said indignantly. To think, Ghana importing foreign foodstuffs? Ghana, land of the sweetest pineapple, the juiciest mango, the most stimulating kola nut, had to IMPORT rice? While I had not even the slightest understanding of agriculture, climate, international trade, or rice-growing in general, the whole thing seemed somehow perverse. Ghana had agriculture, everyone in Ghana ate rice, why would they have to import it, especially from China which was so far away? "What else does Ghana get from China?" It has been decades since I thought up that question, and I am still trying to find answers.
Interests History, World History, African History, Sports, Race, Videogames, Politics, Bboying, The World