My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Reading Inspires
- "...It's Like a Whirlwind Inside of my Head..."
- 'Til We Read Again
- // - LA FEMME READERS - //
- 2 Read or not 2 read
- 21 pages
- 21 Pages: YA Book Reviews
- :: momanista ::
- @PageTurnersBlog
- A Book Adventure
- A Day In The Life Of
- a dazzling distraction
- A Girl Reads a Book
- A Journey of Books
- A Journey Through Books
- A Life Bound By Books
- A Literary Odyssey
- A Moment With Mystee
- A Muggle's Magical Book Blog
- A Musing Reviews
- A Myriad of Books
- A Nut in a Nutshell
- A Reader's Adventure!
- A Reader's Ramblings
- A Reading Journey
- A Room With Books
- A Spoonful of Style
- A Story to Love
- A Tapestry Of Words: YA Reviews
- A Trillian Books
- Abby the Librarian
- About Books Blog
- Alexander Bennett: Writer
- Alexia's Books and Such...
- Alison Can Read
- All About {n}
- All Booked Up
- Allison's Attic of Books
- Amused By Books
- An Avid Reader's Musings
- and another thing...
- And the plot thickens...
- Andye Reads
- Angieville
- Around The World ARC Tours
- As I turn the pages
- Ashley's Library
- At Home With Books
- Audible Candy
- Avid Reader's Musings
- Baja Greenawalt's Cozy Book Nook
- Bananas For Books
- Beth Fish Reads
- Bethany's Book Reviews
- Between the Pages
- Between The Pages
- Bibliognome
- Bibliolatry
- bibliophiliac
- Bibliosue
- BiblioWino
- Bites
- Black Fingernailed Reviews
- Bon Bons and Reveries
- Book Addicted Blonde
- Book Blab
- Book Blogging Karma Project
- Book Chic
- Book Hooked Blog
- Book Kritik
- book nazi
- Book Sanctuary
- Bookaholics Oye!!
- Bookalicious
- Bookend Crossing
- Bookish Delights
- Books and Things
- Books By Their Cover
- Books Complete Me
- Books Devoured
- Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing
- Books in the City
- Books Like Water
- Books of Amber
- Books with Bite
- Books, Books Everywhere
- Bookworm Meets Bookworm
- Bookworm Readers
- Bookworming in the 21st Century
- Braintasia Books
- Brandi Breathes Books
- Bringing The Epic
- Brizmus Blogs Books
- Brooke's Ramblings (TV, Books and More)*
- Butterfly Confidential
- Cafe of Dreams ~ Book Reviews
- California Dreaming
- Candace's Book Blog
- Caroline Bookbinder
- Chick Loves Lit
- Chrissie's Corner
- Coffee and a Book Chick
- Coffee and Books
- Coffee and Cliffhangers
- Coffee and Literature
- Coffee Table Reviews
- Collegiate Bookworm
- CompBiblio
- Confessions of a Book Addict
- Confessions of a Bookaholic
- Consumed by Books
- Cornucopia of Reviews
- Crazy-for-Books.com
- Cullens to Classics
- Curling Up by the Fire
- Daisy Chain Book Reviews
- Dead White Guys: An Irreverent Guide to Classic Literature
- Debbie's World of Books
- Denver's Old House Society
- DeRaps Reads
- Desert Book Chick
- DJ DeSmyter | Author
- Edgy Inspirational Romance
- elizabethmilesbooks
- Emma Michaels
- Emma The Bookworm
- Ems reviews books...
- Endless Reading
- English Major's Junk Food
- Entomology of a Bookworm
- Epic Book Nerd
- erin ever after
- Escape In A Book
- Estella's Revenge
- Every Last Page
- Extreme Reader Book Review
- Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog
- Feeling a Little Bookish
- Fiction Flurry
- Fiction Folio
- fill in the blank
- Find Your Next Good Read
- Fingers & Prose
- First Novels Club
- Fluttering Butterflies
- For the Love of YA (Reviews & Author Interviews)
- For The L♥ve of Reading
- For What It's Worth
- Frazzled Book Nommer
- Frenetic Reader
- Froggarita's Bookcase
- From My Nightstand
- From the ♥ of a Bookworm
- Girls Just Reading
- Good Books & Good Wine
- Good Choice Reading
- Got Books?
- Graced with Books
- Grief Journey to Reading Journey
- GTFO! (not really. I like you)
- Harmony Book Reviews
- Hello, Chelly
- Helping Dress Myself
- Her Book Self
- Hilary T. Smith
- Hire Me: One Unemployed College Grad's Journey in 2010
- Historical Fiction Review
- Hitting On Girls in Bookstores
- Home Girl's Book Blog
- I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
- i AM alive
- i heart books.
- i swim for oceans
- IHeart Organizing
- imaginary ordinary.
- Imagination in Focus
- In the Hammock Blog
- In the Museums
- In The Next Room
- in which a girl reads
- j-flamingo reflections
- Jessica Lawlor
- JoJosBookCorner
- journal de novo.
- JS-Kit
- Just Like a Peach Is
- Kaitlyn in Bookland
- Kate's Library
- Katie Who Can Read
- Katie's Book Blog
- Keeping Up With Mr. Jones
- Kendi Everyday
- Kittling: Books
- Kritters Ramblings
- KZ Book Blog
- La Petite Fille Rousse
- La Petite Pomme Rose
- Lady Scribble's Book Lounge
- Lale on Lit
- Larissa and Friends' Bookish Life
- Life According To Lizzi
- Lindsi Root
- Lisa is Busy Nerding
- Lit and Life
- Lit Snit
- Literary Crap
- Literary Day Dreams
- Literary Musings
- Literologie
- Live Gorgeously
- Living, Learning, Eating
- London Bound
- lortondale
- Lost Amongst the Shelves
- Lost in the Library
- Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity
- Loving Books
- Makeshift Bookmark
- Man of La Book - A Bookish Blog
- Marie Loves Books
- Memoirs of a little thing called life | UK Fashion & Lifestyle blog in Leeds
- Mental Foodie: A Book & Food Lover
- Midnyte Reader
- Mine
- Misfit Salon
- Mission Statements
- Missy's Reads & Reviews
- Modern Drift
- Modernesia
- Moonlight Book Reviews
- My 2010 Happiness Project
- My Bookish Ways
- My Views
- My World...in words and pages
- Never Fading Wood
- No Rest for the Wicked
- Nor Cal Book Blog
- Novel Thoughts
- nzreader
- Obsessed!
- Oh My Books!
- Once A Bookworm
- Once Upon a Prologue
- One Book At A Time
- One Book Shy of a Full Shelf
- oodles of books
- Our Fiction Addiction
- Our Year In Books
- Overused Parentheses
- Owl Book Reviews
- Owl Review A Book
- Page Turners
- Paper Hangover
- Park Benches & Bookends
- PAYA: Bringing (More) YA to PA
- Persnickety Snark
- Pirate Penguin's Reads
- Pop Culture Junkie
- Presenting Lenore
- Preservation Corner
- Primo Reads - Book Reviews
- Pure Imagination
- Puss Reboots: A Book Review a Day
- Ramblings of a Bibliophiliac
- Random Ramblings
- Ray Reads Books
- Read My Mind
- Readerbuzz
- Reading Angels
- Reading Beauty
- Reading in Reykjavík
- Reading on the Dark Side
- Reading Thru The Night
- Reading With Andie
- Reading With Martinis
- Reading. Writing. Publishing. A Blog.
- readingvacation
- Reclusive Bibliophile
- red headed book child
- Relentlessly Reading Renee
- rockstar diaries
- Rose City Reader
- Roving Reads
- Sarah Reads Too Much
- Sarah Says
- Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
- Savvy Verse & Wit
- Serendipity Reviews
- She is too fond of books
- Shelf Life
- Shnapple
- Silly Fluff 'n Stuff
- Simply Books
- Small Review
- Smitten With Books
- SMS Nonfiction Book Reviews
- Snark and Ramble
- Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
- Sophistikatied Reviews
- Spine Creases
- Stacked'n'Painted
- Supernatural Snark
- Tahleen's Mixed-Up Files
- Take Me Away
- Tales and Treats
- Tangled Up in Blue
- Ten Cent Notes
- That Artsy Reader Girl
- The Bawdy Bookworm
- The Bird Sisters
- The Blue Bookcase
- The Book Bee
- The Book Bison
- The Book Buff
- The Book Cellar
- The Book Corner
- The Book Fairy's Haven
- The Book Junkie's Bookshelf
- The Book Muncher
- The Book Nerd Club
- The Book Pixie
- The Book Shelf
- The Book Tree
- The Bookishville
- The Bookologist
- The Bookshelf Sophisticate
- The Broke and the Bookish
- The Caffeinated Diva reads,...
- The Cajun Book Lady
- The Collegiate Listmaker
- The Compulsive Reader
- The Crafty Reader
- The Crooked Shelf
- The Delta Quadrant
- The End
- The Fiction Enthusiast
- The future is unwritten....
- The Glitter Pox
- The Hiding Spot
- The Introverted Reader
- The Ladybug Reads...
- The Literary Amnesiac
- The Literary Soundtrack
- The Literary Stew
- The Literate Man, a Book Blog for Men
- The Little Reading Nook
- The Lost Book Reports
- The Lost Entwife
- The New Dork Review of Books
- the original Blogger Tips and Tricks
- The Overstuffed Bookcase
- The Prairie Library
- The Raven Paradox
- The Reader Room
- the reader's life
- The Reading Life
- The Reading Nook
- The Readings of a Busy Mom
- The Real Me
- The Story Girl
- The Story Siren
- The Story Siren Appreciation Week
- The Thoughts of a Book Junky!
- The Turn of the Page
- The Undercover Book Lover (Not Really)
- The Window Seat Reader
- The World of Peachtree Publishers
- The World of YA
- The Wormhole
- The Zen Leaf
- There's a Book
- This Bookish Life
- This Perfectly Imperfect Life
- This Unemployed Life
- Through My Eyes 360
- Tina Says...
- Tiny Library
- TNBBC's The Next Best Book Blog
- Today's Adventure
- Totally Uninspired
- Truth Be Told
- Tutor Girl Reads
- Two Bibliomaniacs
- Unemployed Brooklyn
- Vanessa Alvarado
- What a Hoot!
- What I'm Living
- What She Read...
- What...more books
- Whatcha Readin', Books?: A Teacher/Learner's Blog
- Wildly Read
- With A Book
- Words & Whispers
- Words of a Reader
- Words on Paper
- Wrighty's Reads
- Write in the Margin
- YA bibliophile
- YA Bliss
- YA Librarian Tales
- yes and yes
- Young Adult Reviewer - Book Crazy
- Sparkling Reviews
- You're Killing Me
Gender | Female |
Location | suburbs of Philly, PA |
Introduction | Ambitious 27 year old that loves a good adventure and rich experiences. I'm still trying to figure out what I want in life. I'm a free spirit who has a genuine love for people and I make a mean meatloaf. I'm a complete bibliophile in every sense of the word and I love blogging about my literary endeavors. I'm obsessed with traveling and I have a passion for marketing. I'm just a little bundle of fun, too. |
Interests | I love me some good books, music, fashion, traveling, art, some sports, Edie Sedgwick, writing & blogging, social media, marketing/advertising, cooking. |
Favorite Movies | Amelie, The Royal Tennanbaums, Garden State, The Life Aquatic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Slumdog Millionaire, Finding Neverland, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Martian Child, Peter Pan, Monsters Inc |
Favorite Music | I like way too much music to be in list format. A few: -MGMT, Passion Pit, Kings of Convenience, Cake Bake Betty, Red House Painters, Regina Spektor, Band of Horses, Vampire Weekend, Belle & Sebastian, Seabear, Denison Witmer, Death Cab, Bright Eyes, Sufjan Stevens, etc. etc. Oh and alot of classic rock. |