My blogs
Gender | Male |
Introduction | We'll be looking at why Men are seemingly treated as 2nd class citizens compared to Women within family law, the emotional physiological & social affect it has on our children and young adults can be tragic and long term. So we'll look at good parenting, parental alienation, respect & adultery between Mum and Dad, why it's not in the child's and society's best interest along with being dangerous to keep taking allegations made by a woman as gospel and acted upon, while allegations made by men are just allegations. We'll look at domestic abuse violence from to men & woman, in front of children, towards & on children with the short and long term affects. Let's build a better future by putting our children before our own #ShallowEgos & own needs, domestic abuse domestic violence on any level is not acceptable. Like us@ Facebook.com/FatherlessBritain, join us@ facebook.com/groups/FatherlessBritain twitter.com/DaddysSoCool #FatherlessBritain & @ instagram.com/fatherlessbritain |