HJH Rozyta Ismail
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Sihatmakanvitamin
- Ancient Paths, Naturally
- AutoMLMAnda: Belajar cara buat website dan promosi percuma
- Healthy Skincare Blog
- MamaFaiz...~mom's favorite choice
- MyPlate - Food Diary & Food Calorie Counter | LIVESTRONG.COM
- Natural Vitamins & Foods for Good Health
- Saya Mahu Sihat
- Segalanya tentang suplemen untuk Cantik, Sihat dan Cergas
- Shaklee Blog
- Shaklee Independant Distributor Online Based Blog
- Vitamin Supplements Shop
Gender | Female |
Industry | Consulting |
Occupation | bisness women |
Location | Malaysia |
Links | Audio Clip |
Introduction | Bersama shaklee semenjak 1999. Ingin membantu seramai manusia berjaya dalam biz shaklee. Ingin melahirkan ramai leader yang hebat d bawah organisasi Empire Al Mukmin |
Interests | sharing the benefit of shaklee products, meeting friends |
Favorite Movies | halaqah, discovery chanel |
Favorite Music | nasyid raihan, rabbani, maher zain |