
My blogs

About me

Location New York, United States
Introduction Here to entertain you. xx
Interests i've recently discovered this little section on my blog, never knew it existed before, maybe it's new or maybe i'm just out to lunch. in any case, my interests are writing, reading, camping, dreaming, yoga, meditation, city life, foodie eats, red wine, gardening, traveling, star gazing... being fully immersed in nature in the middle of the woods with no wifi; feeling the rotation of the earth; being outside for the witching hour soaking up the sounds and energy of the magic, at the turn of the earth; developing strong, nurturing, supportive relationships with my greatest friends and family; sleeping, oh how i love to sleep; oh i'm having way too much fun with this and i could go on more, so i'll probably just do a blog post on "my interests" and leave this right here :() oh and my socials are @tellitsister