My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Ali Strebel
- Bird Brain Designs
- Black Threads
- Civil War Quilts
- Free Felt Patterns and Tutorials
- Henry Glass Fabrics
- Life With Cleo And Me
- Linen Closet Quilts
- Moda... the Cutting Table
- My Quilt Diary
- My Red Cape
- Pattern Mart Blog
- Pieces From My Heart
- Quilt 1812: War & Piecing
- Quilt Inspiration
- Quilt Karma
- Quilt Taffy
- Rugs and Pugs
- Selvage Blog
- Simple Folk - As the Crow Flies...
- SweetMeadowsFarmHappenings
- Syverkstan (English)
- Tales from The Raspberry Rabbits
- Temecula Quilt Company
- The House on the Side of the Hill
- The Noble Wife
- Wool Crazy
Industry | Arts |
Occupation | Artisan |
Location | RI, United States |