Creative Cake-Tea
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Columbus Catwalk
- Life in the best lane...
- Merrick's Art // Style + Sewing for the Everyday Girl
- Pretty Providence | A Frugal Lifestyle Blog
- the daybook
- urban nester
Introduction | My name is Katie Nelson. I married the coolest boy on September 3rd, 2011. That pretty much sums up my life right now. Oh and I am very excitable I can laugh and cry all at once. It's kinda my super power. Haha kidding. I just genuinely love people and get excited when they are excited or sad when they are. Shoot, I just cried the other day because I was so excited for the man on America's got Talent! He just did so awesome with his dog act, I was proud of him. HAhaha..TMI? oh well!! |
Interests | Making things for the people I love. |