Anjali Krishna

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About me

Gender Female
Location India
Introduction Jovial.Optimistic.Provokable.Readable.Reliable :)
Interests Strings, Coffee, Red, Cameras, Photographs, Letters, Telephones, Jeans, Books, Balconies, Dogs, Earphones, Beaches, Snow, Sweaters, Birthday cards, Nice you want me to REALLY go on? Anyway, on a more serious note ;-) procastinating, contriving, day dreaming, observing, and making the most of everything :-)
Favorite Music I love pure acoustic numbers, soft Rock, Punk, and Alternative genres. Else I'm a versatile music lover and listen to everything from retro and fusion to dub.
Favorite Books Malgudi Days, Room on the Roof, Doctors, Five People You Meet in heaven, Where Rainbows End, Matilda, Catcher in the Rye Harry Potter, These are just to name a few of my all time favourites. Not a prude when it comes to books. I love comic strips, quirky humor, flash fiction, and short stories.

Don't you think your life is a dream?