
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Location New York, NY, United States
Introduction On first meeting me, you'll find me hilarious, ridiculous and generally over the top. Upon getting to know me, you'll come to learn that I'm actually quite deep and contemplative. Think Russell Brand meets Aristotle.

In March 2002, less than a week before my 16th birthday, I was diagnosed with a condition called scleroderma. The disease process mostly reversed itself over the next few years, but left my heart permanently damaged. In August 2007, I had a heart transplant, and after 6 or so months of adjustments to my anti-rejection meds, I was pretty much out of the woods. Despite my extensive medical history, I consider myself to be in pretty good health at this point, and eat a "Paleo 2.0" diet in an effort to stay that way.

This blog is an outlet for my ideas on everything, although the focus will be on philosophy, policy and occasionally health. I don't think there is a single idea that I have to offer that is in any way novel, but I have yet to see anyone synthesize an understanding of human nature to my satisfaction. So while my ideas will be largely derivative, the synthesis of ideas is unique. Please comment and link as you feel appropriate.