Jonathan Clift

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Writer
Introduction I started my writing career composing lyrics for songs. Fortunately almost right away my co-writer and I were very successful. We began having releases in Europe and then all over the world culminating in a number one in America. Unfortunately shortly after this music publishers began taking over one another until there were limited places for a writer to pitch their songs. Also publishers began to go out of business as the singer songwriter era began. I started writing a book; it was very loosely about various experiences in my life. I knew from the start that I would be writing a controversial book, but undaunted, I persevered. Of course, I never thought about whether it would ever get published, I was just compelled to write it. On the day I finished “An unconventional life” I felt totally drained; empty of any desire to write again. I thought that I would never write another word. I had nothing to inspire me. For about four days I did nothing. Then one day I just sat down at the computer and before long words flowed out of me again. I somehow out of nowhere, found a completely imaginary story. Since then I haven’t stopped for more than a day. I am now on my fourth book.