Jon Carter

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Marketing
Location Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Introduction Relocated, with my wife Jenny, to Vancouver Island from Lancaster, north west England in October 09. I have been birding since I was a lad and have enjoyed the experience of starting all over again in a new land. In the UK I was editor of the Lancaster & District Birdwatching Society annual report for a number of years and served on the society's committee for longer than I can recall! I was also the co-ordinator of the British Trust for Ornithology's Wetland Bird Survey for Morecambe Bay (south) and surveyed my own favourite stretch of the Lune estuary for 20 years. For 17 years I also wrote a monthly birdwatching column in Morecambe's weekly newspaper and wrote a general natural history column and articles for the Lancaster Guardian. Now back in the UK, this blog serves as an insight into my 3 years living there as a Brit Birder in BC!
Interests Birding, art & design, music.