Ian [To PIN/Save/Share Click the 3 connected DOTS]
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Industry | Publishing |
Occupation | Publish Cookbooks & Novels |
Location | Great Falls, MT, United States |
Links | Wishlist |
Introduction | 7 Christmas Love Stories: At 18 Lizzie's love is outlawed by a cruel mother. In this real-life story (as in the Fairy-tale) Africa’s Snow-White is victimized, denied her right to choose who to love, rejected when she chose, then driven to the very brink of death by the person who should love her unconditionally -her mother. Her dad, who should have been her protector, did very little to help! The central theme of these novels is of a beautiful 15y old daughter of a very jealous, controlling mother, who falls in love at Christmas in 1971. Her mother hand-picks her future husband -a rich well-connected school-chum of Prince Andrew, who she likes a lot, but not enough to marry. Instead she remembers the love she shared with a Dr’s son she met in ‘71, at 15, with whom she shared a total of 7 Christmas romances, 6 at the seaside, Wilderness National park, Africa, 1 in Snowy Canada . Their romance secretly blossomed each Christmas throughout high-school. In 1978 they're cruelly separated. By 65 she’d eloped 3-times (Africa, Canada, Panama) still in love with her teen-sweetheart, Nicholas (66) both finally free! VIDEOS: https://www.lowcarbingamongfriends.com/p/videos.html#AFSNW |
Interests | Computing Technology |
Favorite Movies | The Notebook, Kurt Seyit & Sura, Pride and Prejudice, The Princess Bride, The Sound of Music |
Favorite Music | Classical |
Favorite Books | Pride & Prejudice |