Ben Kress

My blogs

About me

Occupation Custom Web, Graphic Design, & Photographic/Video Services
Location DECATUR, IL
Introduction I come from a background and timeframe in which a web developer meant someone who can code, design, solve problems, and build from scratch. This is the backbone of my business. Everything you see here has been custom coded and designed by yours truly. Being able to have both sides of the process under one mind is rarer and rarer today. However, I do not intend to stop my methodologies anytime soon. If I don't know it, I will learn it. I believe that no job can truly be done correctly without maximum, customized efforts to suit the needs of the client. Custom implementations allow for streamlined sites with no more than they need to be fully functional and run on all devices with impressive page load speeds. My focus is web development/design but am also capable of branching out into just about any other form of digital media. I went to school as a designer and a photographer... Picked up programming as a "thing to do" in that time. And, 17 professional years later, I enjoy the problem-solving aspects of the web world more than anything else. Providing tailored solutions that fit the needs of the client are truly my passion.
Interests UI/UX Design/Development, Desktop/Mobile Web Development, Flash Interface Development, Graphic Design, Photography, Server Management/Deployment/Security, Progressive Web Apps/Service Workers/Cryptographic Content Security, Page Load Speed/Analytics, Video Deployment/Editing/Web Codecs