Dirk Wachsmuth

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About me

Gender Male
Location Weimar, Thüringen, Germany
Introduction I was born into a system of socialism in the early eighties. While I grew up the Iron Curtain became less important and Thuringia became "free". My childhood was a mixture of "old world" values and the new upcoming "american-dream-world" and in within this time i began drawning. At first I draw what I saw but later I thought it can be a funny amusement to draw in school and entertain some of my classmates by I caricaturing the teachers or themselves. So I found my great passion in a autodidactic way. My youth was affected by science fiction, horror movies and books, the consume of music like the Doors, Marilyn Manson, Nirvana or Joy Division and influences from artists like Salvador Dali, H.R. Giger and Hieronymus Bosch. Now I am in the long-term process of self-discovery and so I have many material to show you. At the time i'm design student at Bauhaus University Weimar. Thanks you for your interest. Now enjoy my blog! :)