Ian Ippolito
My blogs
- A Hard Look at Popular Outsourcing Myths
- vWorker Latest News Blog
- S-vWorkerInfo.co...
- S-VWorkerBlog.ne...
- S-vWorkerFreelan...
- vWorker Severe Weather (and Other Critical Situations) Alerts Blog
- S-vWorker.Ca
- vWorker Site Improvements (and Bug Fixes) Blog
- Ian Ippolito
- vWorker Arbitrations
- vWorker office for sale
- S-vWorkerProject...
Blogs I follow
Occupation | CEO |
Location | Tampa, Florida, United States |
Introduction | I am a serial tech company founder, CEO and entrepreneur. For more, see IanIppolito.com. |
Interests | Good food with good company, Travelling, Weightlifting, Dance Dance Revolution, Wii SwordPlay |
Favorite Movies | Sci Fi: Minority Report Romance: Love Actually, Beauty and the Beast Horror: The Shining Comedy: Dodgeball |
Favorite Music | High energy dance music: Cascada, Tiesto, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Kesha. |
Favorite Books | "Getting to Yes", William Ury "Ultimate Power", Anthony Robbins "Dressing the Man", Alan Flusser "Your Erroneous Zones", Wayne Dyer The Dune Series, Frank Herbert |