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About me

Introduction Momo Pianist/composer/arranger born in Toyama, Japan. She graduated at Senzoku College of Music and Berklee College of Music, which awarded her Toshiko Akiyoshi award for outstanding jazz composer. In 2005. She participated BMI jazz composers workshop, directed by Jim Macneely and Mike Abene, in NY during 2005-06 season. After she came back to Japan 2006. she appears many concerts and recorded works as a pianist as well as a composer and an arranger. Her composition, "Skyworks 2" for mandolin and guitar was published in 2013 by German publisher, Trekel. She formed her trio which focused on her original compositions in 2013. She likes walking, running, swimming and reading books. Her most favorite animal is dolphin and one of her dream is swimming with dolphins. Momo ピアニスト、作曲家、アレンジャー 富山に生まれる。2005年に洗足学園大学ジャズピアノ科、バークリー音楽学院ジャズ作曲科を卒業。バークリー音楽学院からジャズ作曲部門で秋吉敏子賞を受ける。 2005年カリフォルニアにてヘンリーマンシーニインスティテュートに全額奨学金で参加。2005年から2006年にかけてNYでJim Macneely, Mike Abeneの監督のもと行われるBMI jazz composers workshop に参加しビッグバンドの作曲について若手作曲家と共に研鑽を積む。 2006年帰国。日本で北陸、関東を中心に様々なコンサートにピアニスト、作曲者、編曲者として出演する。2009年拠点を関東に移す。 趣味は散歩、ジョギング、水泳、読書。好きな動物はイルカ。夢の1つはイルカと泳ぐ事。