Frank the Crank

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Industry Automotive
Location So Cal, CA, United States
Introduction Hello and welcome to my web page. Frank's Classic Car Blog is a combination of repair tips, car related facts, opinions, and some of my photographs thrown in for good measure. I have been messing with cars and cameras since I was around 14. That's when I got my first car and my first camera - a 1961 Triumph Spitfire and a 35mm Argus. So you might say I have had my share of "hands-on" experience with both hobbies. I would like to know what you think, so feel free to post your comments.
Interests Automotive history, photography, reading
Favorite Movies Hollywood Knights, American Graffiti, More American Graffiti, Two Lane Blacktop, Duel, Christine
Favorite Music 80's dude!
Favorite Books Automotive related and repair manuals.