Robert D. Skeels * rdsathene
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On Blogger since May 2005
Profile views - 13294
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Teachers as Change Agents
- 4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit
- @ the chalk face
- A Day In the Life
- All Things Education
- Arthur H. Camins
- Big Education Ape
- Bimpa's Blog
- blackfemlens
- Blogging from the Edge of Democracy
- Children should not be a number.
- Courtney Scrabeck
- Cuts Hurt Kids
- Debunking Ruby Payne's Framework of Poverty
- Don't Forget South Central
- Dr Cintli
- Ed Notes Online
- Educational Justice
- Educational Neurosis
- Educator Musing
- EdVox
- Emerson Advocates
- experiential continuum » Jim Crow Incognito
- Garfield Unites
- Grassroots Education Movement (NYC)
- I do because I can
- inspirEDucation
- Jersey Jazzman
- Joaquin Cienfuegos
- JS-Kit
- K-12 News Network
- LA Schools Matter
- Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
- Leadership in Room 232
- Mike Klonsky's Blog
- Mike Rose's Blog
- Mitchell Robinson, Ph.D. - mrob's blog
- Modern School
- My Occupy LA Arrest, by Patrick Meighan
- Noriko: with an American Accent
- NYC Public School Parents
- outside the box
- Pocho1 Visual Movement
- Pocho1 Visual Movement
- Politics and Parsnips
- Project:GIVE
- Public Education Justice Alliance of Minnesota(PEJAM)
- Radical Scholarship
- Room 232
- Russ on Reading
- San Francisco Schools
- Saturn Sands | Life on the Mojave
- save animo justice
- Schoolfinance101's Blog
- Schools Matter
- SKrashen
- solidaridad
- Store News for
- Students Last
- Suzi's Ice Box Art!
- Synchrotech Support Blog
- Taming the College Admissions Beast
- technology musings
- The Underdog for Kids
- The Waiting is the Hardest Part
- The Wire
- Turtle Learning
- With A Brooklyn Accent
- wseadawg
- Yong Zhao
- YOON-Bright Wisdom
Location | Barrio Echo Parque, Alta California |
Introduction | Robert D. Skeels is a social liberation writer, attorney, public education advocate, immigrant rights activist, and law professor. He lives, works, writes, and organizes in Los Angeles with his wife and cats. Robert holds a BA in Classical Civilization from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), a JD from Peoples College of Law (PCL), and passed the California Bar Exam on his first attempt. A US Navy Veteran, he is a proud member of Veterans for Peace. A student of Liberation Theology and Paulo Freire's work, Robert volunteers for community and 12 step groups. Robert's articles and essays appear in publications including Jacobin, Truthout, CounterPunch, Dissident Voice, Schools Matter, Daily Censored, RegeneraciĆ³n, K12NN, LA Progressive, and The Los Angeles Daily News. In 2013 Robert ran for the LAUSD School Board against a billionaire funded corporate reform candidate, finishing second in a field of five, with over 5,200 votes. |
Favorite Books | Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Grapes of Wrath, Light in August, Das Kapital, Illiad, Winter of our Discontent, Moby Dick, Hundred Years of Solitude, Homage to Catalonia, Inperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, the Gospels, The Odyssey, Dubliners, The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research, Pedagogy of Freedom |