Holly Hill
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Janet Reid, Literary Agent
- .
- A Little of This & That...
- Abby Stevens - The Tabby Catt
- Adventures in Agentland
- Adventures in YA Publishing
- ali cross: story_ninja
- Alicia Gregoire, Author of YA Contemporary and NA Contemporary Fantasy
- Amanda Plavich | A Wannabe Writer
- Amie Kaufman
- Amparo Ortiz
- Angelic Muse
- Announcitations
- Between Fact and Fiction
- blog
- BookEnds Literary Agency
- Carrie Keeps Typing
- Cassandra
- Chantele Sedgwick
- Ciara Knight
- Colin D Smith
- Confessions
- Corrine Jackson
- Crazy Writer Girl
- Creepy Query Girl
- darkest mind before dawn
- Demitria Lunetta
- DL Hammons
- Dystel & Goderich Literary Management
- emy shin
- Emy Shin
- Erin Lange
- Fox Literary
- Freelance Book Editor Cassandra
- Glass Cases
- Glissades and Gabble
- GotYA
- Holly Hill
- Imagine the Possibilities
- Ink: In All Forms
- Janet Sumner Johnson
- Jennifer Represents...
- Johnson, Party of Five
- Kate Scott Writes
- Kierah Jane Reilly
- Kiersten Writes
- Kimberly Sabatini's Blog
- Kiwi's life
- Krista Van Dolzer
- Kristin (K.D.) Halbrook
- Kristin Miller, Literary Agent
- La Vie en Prose
- Lair of the Liar
- Laura Pauling
- Leigh Talbert Moore, Author
- Liesl Shurtliff
- Lindsay N. Currie
- lisa and laura write
- Living the Dream
- Liz Page: Just Keep Writing
- Liz Writes Books
- Logan E. Turner
- Marquita's Marks :)
- maybe genius
- Melanie Stanford Daydreamer To Writer
- Meredith Writes
- Michael L. Martin Jr. | Author of Fantasy Books
- Mostly Reading YA
- Musings of a Novelista
- My Literary Jam & Toast
- My YA-Musing Point of View
- Navigating the Slush Pile
- Non-Dairy Non-Soy Inspiration
- Operation Awesome
- Pages and Stardust
- Paper Hangover
- Pub Rants
- Query Shark
- QueryTracker Blog
- Rach Writes...
- Rachel Bateman
- Rachel Searles
- Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
- Read for Relief
- readergirlz
- S.R. Johannes
- Sarah Enni
- Shannon McMahon
- Shannon Messenger
- Something Else To Distract me
- Soul Stretching Out
- Tales of Trying
- The Alliterative Allomorph
- The Apocalypsies
- The Flying Cheetah
- The Hate-Mongering Tart
- The League of Extraordinary Writers
- The Official SCBWI Blog
- The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment
- The Simple Pleasure of Reading
- The web site of Lisa Schroeder
- The YA-5
- Thirty Sixth Floor Balcony
- Thoughts from a Literary Agent
- Twentysomething special
- Unedited
- will write for cookies
- Word Thief
- Words On Paper
- Writing Possibilities...
- Y(A)? Cuz We Write!
- YA Audiobook Addict
- Yahong Chi
Gender | Female |
Location | Florida, United States |
Introduction | Wife, supermom, and accountant extraordinaire by day. YA writer by night. |