Kim Walus
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- AnnieOfBlueGables
- Seams Sew Together
- ***
- ........................ Pink Pincushion
- ....................Life of Pia
- A Cozy Bee
- A Little of This and a Little of Pat
- A Million Kisses
- A Musing Mother
- A Musing Reviews
- A Quilting Life - a quilt blog
- a stitch in dye
- adornitblog
- Alpine Quilt Retreats
- AmericanQuilting
- Beaducation: The Blog
- Between Fact and Fiction
- Bev's Bits n' Pieces
- Blogger's Quilt Market Meet-Up
- Blogues de Feltro e Companhia
- Book Haven
- Brodi Ashton
- Busy Little Quilter
- Canton Village Quilt Works
- Carina's Craftblog
- Cheat Day
- Circle Mothers
- comfortstitching
- Conceived Without Regard for Reason or Reality
- Craft Sew Create
- Craftaholics Anonymous
- Crazy Old Ladies Quilts
- Creative Breathing
- Creative Times with Sue
- Cut to Pieces
- Cutie Pinwheel
- Delightful Dots
- Don't Call Me Betsy
- Elder Joseph W. Schindler -- Czech Republic
- Em's Scrapbag
- Fabric Seeds
- Fahrenheit 350°
- Fall, Fall, Fall
- Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber
- Fat Quarterly
- Feltros Delicados
- frayed and fancy
- Freshly Pieced
- Gene Black an Alabama Artist and Quilter
- Gigi's Thimble
- girl with fringe
- Glorious Applique
- Green Fairy Quilts
- Gumbo Lily
- Happy Cottage Quilter
- Happy Quilting
- Happy Together
- Hexagony
- Humble Quilter
- I Heart Faces Photography
- I Survived the Thomas Kids
- i'm a ginger monkey
- Idaho Quilter
- In Ardua Tendit
- In Color Order
- Incredible Women
- Irish Muses
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Jane's Fabrics and Quilts
- Jaybird Quilts
- Jellywares
- Jenn Ski
- Jina's World Of Quilting
- Judi
- Just Another Day in Paradise
- Just Another Day In Paradise Sewing
- Just Something I Made
- Kasie West
- Keep Me In Stitches
- Kiersten Writes
- Le Cordon Q
- Life in Bonetown
- Life is Beautiful, Life is Hard
- Lisnaweary Quilts
- Little Birdie Secrets
- Little Bit Funky
- Little Lovables
- Little Miss Shabby
- Live Well, Love Much, Laugh and Quilt Often
- Lola...again
- Lurline's Place
- Marci Coombs
- Material Girls Quilts
- Megan's Closet
- mequilter
- Messy Karen
- Minutes to Spare...
- Moda... the Cutting Table
- Molly Flanders
- monaluna
- Mormon Mommy Blogs
- Mumsyblossom's World
- My Craft Channel
- My Fat Quarter's Flying
- My Little Gems
- Nana B follows Nana T
- nannygoat
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- Needle Little Inspiration
- Never Not Knitting
- noodlehead
- Not so idle hands
- notes of sincerity
- Obsessively Stitching
- Our Family History
- Photography
- Piece N Quilt
- pink ink pixie
- Pleasant Home Kitchen
- Polka dots and Pineapple
- Quilt Taffy
- Quilt Walk Talk
- Quilted Cupcake
- Quilter's Nest
- Quilting Fiesta
- Rachel Griffith Designs
- Red Pepper Quilts
- retro mama
- Robin Quilts, etc.
- RootsAndWingsCo
- Sara B. Larson
- Sew Cindy
- Sew Dang Cute Crafts
- Sew Fantastic
- Sew Inspired
- Sew Kind Of Wonderful
- Sew Many Ways...
- Sew Much Good
- Sewing the Stress Away
- SewSara
- Shelby's spark of creativity
- Silhouette Blog
- Silver Thimble Talk
- Simple Sample
- Singing With Birds
- So Lovely Creations
- Staci Sews
- Stitch and Quilt
- Stitches
- Stray Stitches
- Sunshine, Handmade
- Tails From The Dog House!
- Tatertots and Jello
- Tattered Threads & Willing Hands
- That Quilt
- the Adventure's of Me
- The Black and White Quilt Challenge Project
- The Cherry Tree Cottage
- The Creative Juices of Ariel
- The Delightful Party
- The Drawing Board
- The Fabric Shopper
- The Girl Who Ate Everything
- The Scientific Seamstress
- The Sometimes Crafter
- The Wood Connection
- Thimbles and Threads Quilt Shop
- Thoughts in Paradise
- Tonya's Sewing Room
- True Creations
- Under The Table and Dreaming
- V and Co.
- verykerryberry
- WhipperBerry
- wRIte iT DOwN
- Yellow roses
Gender | Female |
Industry | Education |
Occupation | Teacher's Aide |
Location | Utah, United States |
Introduction | I'm married to a wonderful man that I've loved for over 27 years now. We have 4 children, a son-in-law and 2 grand children & a new daughter-in-law, too. I love to quilt, sew, make homemade cards, read books, cook, clean and have fun with my kids and their kids. |
Interests | Quilting, Sewing, Stamping, Making Homemade Cards, Crafting of any kind, Decorating, Singing, Reading, Family History, and Taking Care of My Family. |
Favorite Movies | Pride and Prejudice, Just Like Heaven, Serendipity, Lakehouse, Somewhere in Time, The Promise, Big Fish, and lots more |
Favorite Music | Josh Groban, Michael Buble, MoTab, Amy Grant, David Archuleta, and lots more |
Favorite Books | The Host, Twilight Series, Memory Keepers Daughter, Blue Bloods Series, Deltora Quest Series, Uglies Series, Wings, Shadow Children Series, Key to Rondo Series, Spy Series by Ally Carter, Great & Terrible Beauty Series, and Lots More |