Ms. Smarty Pants

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Know It All
Location New York, NY, United States
Introduction I grew up in a small town, but from the time I was five I knew I was destined to live in New York City. Here I am, and not a day goes by that I don't stop to think how lucky I am that my biggest dream came true. (Yes, I realize Manhattan may not be for you. Frankly, we don't have room for all of you.) I've lived a lot, experienced a lot, screwed up a lot, and learned a lot. I've had fun with the glitterati, sprinkled my own brand of glitter having high times with low lifes, and found my place was somewhere in between. I wake up every morning eager to see what each new day will bring and what I'll wear. There's always another adventure on my horizon.
Interests I'm interested in just about everything! After all, knowledge is power.
Favorite Movies Documentaries, film noir, classic musicals, screwball comedies, anything Sirk-ian. Was it on Million Dollar Movies? If I saw it there I'll sit through it again. And again. I'm not into action/superheroes/gore/wizards, etc. Light on scary drama, please; I have enough in my own life and don't need to import.
Favorite Music Just about anything. I was at CBGBs when the Ramones played but love love love opera. I'm definitely a musical theater queen. Currently I'm playing Patti Page - Gene Vincent - Eddie Cochran - the Chordettes - etc. But always...Ramones.
Favorite Books My genre of choice would probably memoirs, biographies, etc. If it has anything to do with fashion or Andy Warhol's Factory, I'm in. My fictional heroines are Pippi Longstocking, Scout Finch, and Mame Dennis. I also eat up books on whatever topic absorbs me at the moment (and that has encompassed a wide variety of topics in the past).