People of the Book

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Construction
Occupation Designer
Location Twain Harte, California, United States
Introduction I started this blog for two reasons. I wanted to know for myself what I believe and I wanted to inspire God's people to return back to Him. See Revelation 18:4.
Interests The science of Salvation, Bible Prophecy, All things pertaining to creation, Overlanding, Camping, Travel
Favorite Movies The Exodus Revealed, Patterns of Evidence: Exodus, Is Genesis History?, The Privileged Planet, Journeys to the Edge of Creation, Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution
Favorite Music Kings Heralds, Heritage Singers, Christian Edition, Acapeldridge
Favorite Books Bible, The Cross and its Shadow, The Great Controversy, The Seer of Patmos, Daniel the Prophet