Paloma Zozaya-Gorostiza _ She/Her

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Author/Poet/Performer
Location Surrey, United Kingdom
Introduction Paloma started her theatre carrier as a child actress, in Mexico City, where she was born. She came to London in 1980 to study Stage Management at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama. After graduating, in London she produced and performed in multimedia shows always concerned with Latin America, using texts from the great Latin American poets. Paloma, who graduated as a Homeopath in the UK, was sent to Honduras in the mid-1990s by a British charity to work in a health project for people with no resources. She remained in the Caribbean Coast of Honduras for over ten years where she founded a centre for children, partly financed by the British charity Christian Aid. There, she also held drama workshops for women factory workers. Paloma has always written poetry which has been included in various anthologies. She published her first novel RedenciĆ³n in Spanish, in November 2019. The English translation by Juan Julian Caicedo will be out in the fall, 2021