So many books, so little time
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Is Anyone There?
- Bookishly Devoted
- Vision By Mila
- Rea Book Reviews
- Socrates' Book Reviews...
- BookWorms Bookmark
- Our Book Reviews Online
- Sab The Book Eater
- "Southhamsdarling"
- -Love of Books-
- .
- ... small stories ...
- ...the bookworm...
- 1st Time Tummy Mummy
- <center>LDS Writers Blogck</center>
- A Book Addict's Haven
- a child of the 60's
- A Corner of my Bookshelf
- a GREAT read
- A Home Keepers Journey
- A Muggle's Magical Book Blog
- A quiet corner in the madness
- A Soul Unsung...
- A Trillian Books
- A Warm Cup Of Reality. . .
- Abbie's Reading Corner
- absconditas
- Adventures of a bookish single mum!
- Alexia's Chronicles
- Alice's Bucket List
- Alison Can Read
- All Things Jill Elizabeth
- All Vampire Novels
- Always Lost in Stories
- Always With a Book
- Amy Clipston Books
- Amy's Adumbrations
- An Armchair By The Sea
- Ann's Reading Corner
- Anna's Book Blog
- Babbling Books
- Bakey's Book Blog
- Beadyjans Books
- Bee's Knees Reviews
- Being Anne....
- Better Read than Dead
- Beyond Strange New Words
- Bittersweet Enchantment
- Black, White and Read All Over
- Blog of an ordinary woman
- Book after Book
- Book Chick City | Urban Fantasy &amp; Romance Reviews
- Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell
- Book Love 101
- Book Review
- Book Reviews by Tima
- Book Savvy Babe
- Book World In My Head
- Book ♥ Soulmates
- Book-Love-Bug
- Bookalicious Travel Addict
- Bookerella
- Booking It With Hayley G
- Bookish Lifestyle
- Books and Needlepoint
- Books and Things
- Books Before Bed
- Books Devoured
- Books for Company
- Books of Love
- Books to Remember
- Books with Bunny- Bunny Lovell reads...
- Books With Wine And Chocolate.
- Books Your Kids Will Love
- Books, Biscuits, and Tea
- Bounty of Books
- Breath of Life
- Bunny Tales
- Carabosse's Library
- Carol's Reading and Craft Corner
- Carole Anne Carr
- Celebrating Science
- Cherie Reich - Author
- Chick Lit Central
- Chocolate Chunky Munkie
- Chucks Musings
- City Girl Who Loves to Read
- Classical Musings
- CMash Reads
- Coffee Table Reviews
- Collette Scott with Shannon
- Concupiscent Bibliophile
- cook*create*read
- Cozy in Texas
- Crystal in Bookland
- D. D. Scott-ville
- Daisy's Book Journal
- designsbygemma
- E's blog
- Easy Way (A Blog For Children)
- Emilie ate my hamster....
- Every day is for reading!
- Fans of Fiction
- Fausti's Book Quest
- Fighting to bring Multiculturalism to YA, Fantasy and Science Fiction novels
- For The Love of Reading
- From 3 Rs to 2
- Frugal Invitation
- Gabrielle Bisset
- Grace Elliot - blog.
- Gripped into Books
- Hallie Reads
- Head Stuck In A Book
- Hey, Tara!
- Hippies, Beauty, and Books Oh My!
- Homespun Devotions
- I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
- I Live Through Books
- Ifmarybooks
- In The Name of Books
- Irish Girl Reads
- It's the Simple Things
- Jack Allen (AKA my Dad) Travel Blog
- Jaffareadstoo....
- Janice Horton - author of romantic adventure novels
- JeanzBookReadNReview
- Jenni Elyse
- Jera's Jamboree
- Jess Hearts Books
- Journey Through Words
- joy's notepad
- Judith Leger
- Julie Halpern's Blog of Wonder
- K. W. McCabe's Digest
- Kerry Conway
- Keta's Keep
- Kim The Bookworm
- Kim's Pensieve
- knitting and nattering
- Komal Mansoor Writer
- Laura Patricia Rose
- Letters to Orphan Alfie
- Liana Azman
- Life, and why it sucks.
- LindyLouMac's Book Reviews
- Lisa's World of Books
- Lit Nerd
- Literary Relish
- Lost Amongst the Shelves
- Lost in a good book
- Lost in the Pages
- Love Books...
- Love Life and Reading
- Mac-Adventures - (with books!)
- Magical Land of Books
- Mak Niks
- March House Books Blog
- Mind Reading?
- Miss Muppet ate my hamster
- Missphilosophy
- Mithril Wisdom
- MJ's Musings
- Moved to
- Musings From An Addicted Reader
- Musings of a Bookish Kitty
- My Life in Scotland
- My Reading Corner
- Mysteriousbooks
- Nicki J Markus / Asta Idonea
- Nikki Finn´s Diary
- No one can define me
- Nocturnal Readings
- Notes of Life
- Notice Your World
- Nursing and beyond
- Nutty&#39;s Reads &amp; Reviews
- O.ops I Read That Book!
- Once Upon a Bookcase
- Once Upon a Series
- Parajunkee's View
- Passion for Novels
- Pen and Paper
- Pen to Paper
- Pocketful of Books
- Pretty in Fiction
- Pudgy Penguin Perusals
- Purple Jelly Bean Reviews
- Rainy Day Reads
- Ramblings on Readings
- Random Things Through My Letterbox
- Read It, Read It, Loved It
- Readaholic
- Reader in Orkney
- Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, and Romance
- Reading Hobby~
- Reading many Crime &amp; Mystery books to.....
- Reading The Riot Act
- Reading with ABC
- Reflections of a Reader
- Riverina Romantics
- Rivers I Have Known
- Road to Retirement.......and beyond
- Romance Around the Corner
- Sarah's Book Reviews
- Sarah's corner
- Sarah's corner
- Sassy Lapdancer
- Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
- Shatterbooks
- Shaz's Book Blog
- Sheri's World
- Silver Thistle
- Silver's Reviews
- Singing and Reading in the Rain
- Sinnful Books
- Sister Sinister Speaks On ... Things
- So many books, so little time
- So Many Books, So Little Time
- So Many Books, So Little Time
- Some Like It Paranormal
- Starting the Next Chapter
- Stuff and nonsense
- Suko's Notebook
- Suzie Reads Books
- suzies bookblog
- Suzy Turner
- Teen Readers' Diary
- Telepathy
- The adventures of Kiwi Ivashkov
- The Amazing American Adventures of Life
- The Aussie Zombie
- The Book Frog
- The Book Pimp
- The Cait Files
- The Canny Francophile
- the diary of a bored housewife
- The Ink Box
- The Life and Loves of a Serial Muppet!
- The Little Munchkin Reader
- The Little Reader Library
- The Official Chuck Norris Blog
- The Reading Life
- The Sweet Bookshelf
- the world is quiet here
- TheBookAddictedHousewife
- This Too...
- Thoughts from a Compulsive Reader
- Thoughts from a serial day dreamer
- Thoughts in Progress
- Three P's in a Pod
- Turning the Pages
- UK Book Giveaways
- Uncultured Critic
- Uniflame Creates
- UnRead Brains Eat Bloody Words
- Vision By MILA
- Wall-to-Wall Books
- What Do Women REALLY Want from Men? A project to find out the truth.
- Wicked Enchantment
- Wondrous Reads
- Word Spelunking
- Word Splash - Joanne Faries
- Word Up, Nerd Up
- Words of Wisdom....from The Scarf Princess
- Work From Home Now!
- Writing and Reading Romance
- Wyres World
- xxxxxx
- YAParanormalNovels
- { Book Nerd }
- ~Guilty Pleasures~
- ♥ Beauty Brite ♥
Gender | Female |
Location | Bonnie Scotland, United Kingdom |
Links | Wishlist |
Introduction | It's all about books! Pre-loved giveaways every month and sometimes a little extra. You can find SMBSLT on twitter and facebook. |
Favorite Movies | The green mile, The Shawshank Redemption, Jaws, The colour Purple, IT, Transformers, LOTR, Silence of the lambs, The usual suspects and so many more. |
Favorite Music | 80s, rock, classic, modern, lovey, slow, a total mishmash |
Favorite Books | Where to start there are so many! |