
My blogs

About me

Introduction I'm just a person who is trying to live life in the best way that would please God and I usually fail but I do my best and don't feel bad when I screw up since I know that God loves me. Homeschool graduate...call me sheltered if you like, I'll never know. Love to go have adventures in my large back yard that resembles a forest, because it is a forest, like to drive places for no good reason and then wonder why I do it since gas takes alot out of the family budget. I am a BLoSC fan and I do draw and write a little on the subject though I'm not very good. I like to hangout with my friends and have a good time. Went snowboarding for the first time in my life this winter and loved it. Even though I crashed more than I boarded. Anyway, I play unorganized hockey, indoor soccer, football and basketball. occasionally I'll go running...crosscountry. My favorite foods are pizza, hotwings and roastbeef sandwiches with mustard. Favorite color(s) are probably black, gray, red, and blue. And I love going to youth group on Thursday evenings. That's pretty much it. Oh yeah, I love to laugh with people.
Interests jesus, extreme sports, bloging, art, writing, youtubing, horses, flying.
Favorite Movies Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Flywheel, the Left Behind Trilogy, BLoSC.
Favorite Music Christian: runkidrun, DC talk, Group 1 crew, Casting Crowns, Third Day, Franchesca Battistelli, Relient K. Country:...Brad Paseley?
Favorite Books my Bible, the Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanngan. spelling? Umm...I like to read other people's work on FF.net.

Who's your God?