My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Male |
Industry | Fashion |
Location | Charlotte, NC, United States |
Introduction | While the following are snippets of my personality, they fail in their purpose, but do provide a general overview. I won't pretend that this is due to some sense of humility. It's not. I admit that I sold out for the American ideal -- a house, a comfortable job, and a caring spouse. Now that I have it, I realize that I lost my passion somewhere along the way. I didn't kill it- there's still a spark, and the last few weeks they have sort of smouldered. I'm a stage whore. I love acting, and theatre. The sights and sounds, the excitement of a rising curtain. I have a phenomenal singing voice. I'm also rather adept at turning your words against you. Pointing out the obvious, and intentionally giving bad directions. Channeling my road rage. I like looking good, and surrounding myself with beautiful things, be it people, paintings, or recent purchases, I am capable of spending large sums of money at Target, Home Depot, and Neiman Marcus - because I do not discriminate. |
Interests | You know you've grown up when: PBS music specials actually intrigue you. You get your first gray hair. You'd rather listen to NPR than the top 40. You finally understand that channel surfing is born of frustration not attention deficit. The three letter word you fixate on is NAP. You comprehend why age and treachery will always trump youth and beauty. So I wanted this to be blithe, but I find that soul baring is not my forte. Granted I admit I was less than thrilled to have a gray hair of my very own. But the thought of aging gracefully seems to be easier for the male sex. Not without its shortcomings mind you-- I mean who is really thrilled by the prospect of ear, nose, and toe hair? But I don't feel the biological clock tick, tick, ticking. The pull, pull, pull, of the covers, and the toss, turn, sigh of a sleepless spouse are another story. I do feel a disconnect from those younger than myself, and perplexed by an apparent lack of work ethic. I don't seem to connect to music on MTV or the radio as I once did. |
Favorite Movies | Interview with a Vampire, The Craft, Flight of Dragons, Into the Woods, Empire Records, Clueless |
Favorite Music | Alanis Morrisette, Stella Starr*, Sarah McLauchlan, Loreena McKennitt, Heart, Fiona Apple, Azure Ray, & Annie Lennox. |
Favorite Books | Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, A Night in Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny, Harry Potter by J.K Rowling |