Animal Chaplain

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Interfaith Officiant / Animal Chaplain
Location Beautiful mountain west
Introduction A humble servant of humanity. Have a great husband and kids. Have a wonderful dog and "two cats in the yard". Loving parents, many brothers and sisters. A roof over my head, food in the frig, and enough troubles to keep me motivated. I have been blessed.
Interests Interfaith spirituality, community service, animals, nature, interfaith studies, Judaism, Unitarian Universalism, all of the world's great faiths, helping people find their own unique spiritual self.
Favorite Movies Michael Moore movies, Pay It Forward (except the ending), Boyz In The Hood (except the profanity), Sound of Music, Fiddler On the Roof, Wizard of Oz, The Big Chill, What the Bleep (accept for the annoying graphics and techno-music).
Favorite Music Anything by John Lennon, Elton John, Billy Joel, Chicago, lots of Motown (WAR! What is good for? Absolutely nothing.. say it again!) Upbeat, positive, loving music of all kinds. The more sentimental, the better.
Favorite Books DaVinci Code, The Red Tent, Poisonwood Bible, When God Was a Woman, The Partnership Way, It Takes A Village, and so many more...

Why do we not see all people as family?????????