T. Gillmore

My blogs

About me

Occupation Author
Location Weird, New Jersey, United States
Introduction Greetings, I decided to start a blog.
The midnight hour had crept up along with age and the newest fashion that comes with it, the all-knowing, all wondering—insomnia. I have tried numerous attempts to conquer both symptoms. However, as to date, neither cream nor herbal pills had helped my sleep depriving-aging process.
Therefore I write. Unedited, fragments, run-ons, and the ever so popular, wrong placed commas,,,.

I am a writer of speculative fiction and an editor's worse nightmare. As you can see with my ramblings here.
You can also find me on Facebook Author T. Gillmore
and Twitter T. Gillmore aka Bohemiangeek
And! My Amazon Author Page: T. Gillmore Amazon
Interests All Science Fiction, Adventure, Mysteries, and Gardening. I love flowers. And cookies. And wine. And beer.