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Introduction THE SITE THE GREYHOUND PROTECTION CAMPAIGN BANNED. The concept of WAGGI-LEAKS came about following the recent disclosures regarding the shameful treatment of Racing Greyhounds at Doncaster Greyhound stadium. It was brought to attention that a number of dogs bodies, which had been killed at the stadium, had been left to pile up in the stadiums VETs surgery. This situation obviously needed further investigation. Unfortuantely the disclosure about the dogs had not been circulated by the anti Greyhound racing forum on which the story first appeared. The story only reached the wider public after some three months, plenty of time for the stadium to clean up its act and cover the evidence. WAGGI-LEAKS therefore provides a medium whereby stories of canine abuse and neglect can be aired and publicised so that the wider community might act on it. If you know or have heard of a dog in danger, but don't know how to act to help the dog, please post your concerns on WaggileakS, somebody might be able to advise you or even take action them selves to help the dog in need. This is something that organisations such as the RSPCA and other welfare groups often fail to do.