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Gender | Female |
Industry | Education |
Occupation | Writer |
Location | Boston, Massachusetts, United States |
Introduction | I'm a 29-year-old writer living in Cambridge. Hobbies include snarking, yapping and working myself into a righteous lather over people who are still bitching about the Tuck rule. |
Interests | Red Sox, Patriots, evidently the Bruins as well, books, publishing, cooking, cheesecake, working myself into a righteous fit with people who are still whining about the Tuck Rule. |
Favorite Movies | Rocky, Jerry Maguire, Bull Durham, The Sandlot, Muppets Take Manhattan, Super Troopers, Annie Hall, T2. |
Favorite Music | Hair metal, The Beatles, U2, 80s hair bands, The Jovi and any other music I can pretentiously put "The" in front of. |
Favorite Books | A Prayer for Owen Meany, Friday Night Lights, Broke Heart Blues, Catcher in the Rye, The Boys of Summer, Wait Till Next Year. |
Which do you prefer and why: whittling with soap or whistling with wood?
One time I carved a statue of Lincoln out of SafeGuard for a school project. Then we ran out of soap and had to use it. His head fell off. True story.