EmKay Anderson

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Real Estate
Occupation Realtor
Location Breezy Point, MN, United States
Links Audio Clip
Introduction My legal name is EmKay MariaKaren Kettleson-Anderson, but “EmKay Anderson” works just fine. I am a disciple of Jesus (see my post on 8/18/2006 for an explanation of what I really mean by that) and all of the posts through 12/2009 were written while I was a member of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in Newport Beach, CA. I transferred my membership in January of 2010 to St. Mark Presbyterian, Newport Beach. St Mark was full of wonderful people and very good theology and practice, and if our lives had not changed in dramatic ways from 2011 to now, I would have rooted there. We are “temporarily” in Northern Minnesota, and look forward to whatever is ahead of us. I am in my 50s, and am a wife, mother to 4 adult sons, step-mother to 2 adult sons, and grandmother to 3. Although -- like you -- I keep busy with many commitments and responsibilities, my life is centered around following after God through Jesus Christ and letting Him transform me through my relationship with Him and my relationships within my community of faith.
Interests reformed theology, presbyterian polity, community, discipleship, missions, emerging church, baseball, little-league baseball, The Yankees (the real thing!), good books, good music, travel, interesting people, women of faith
Favorite Movies Chariots of Fire, Legends of the Fall, Fried Green Tomatoes, the Passion of the Christ
Favorite Music Check out the music I actually listen to spotify. My userid is mkettleson.
Favorite Books The Bible, Susan Howatch's Starbridge and St. Benet's series, Madeleine L'Engle's fiction, Anything by C.S. Lewis, Anything by M. Scott Peck, Anything by Dallas Willard, Buck Naked Faith by Eric Sandras, Choose the Life by Bill Hull, Anything by Eugene Petersen, anything by Henri Nouwen

If you drive on a parkway why don't they make the whole plane out of that?

Do you walk to school or take your lunch?