Nature Girl

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About me

Location United States
Introduction As a young girl growing up in suburban NY, my deep love of the natural world was apparent very early on. I was the different child, the one who marched to the beat of a different drummer. While in elementary school I was soon given the nickname of Nature Girl, at the time it was more of a tease then a compliment. I'm glad that I did what I loved with my all free time. I spent my free time in the Massapequa Preserve, that was only a half a block from my home. I couldn't wait to explore and see all I could and then studying what I'd seen. 5 decades later my deep abiding love for all things in the natural world has never wavered, I'm still like an 8 year old child, seeing wildlife for the first time, it never gets old. I've had a blessed life out in nature. Do what you love.....LOVE what you do! Everyday!