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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Creative curious explorer and guide
Location Cedar City, Utah, United States
Introduction Artist & professional photographer for over forty years. Exploring light paintings and light constructions for over thirty years. Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications; Cinema, & Photography specialization. Graduate Certificate; "Online Educator" University of Missouri, Columbia.
Interests Light, photography, emergence, fly fishing, and the game of go......
Favorite Movies Cloud Atlas, The River Why, Shakespeare in Love, Bliss, Brazil, Blade Runner, Frequnecies, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Jupiture Ascending, A Good Year.
Favorite Music Pete Townsend, & Annie Lennox and their respective bands.... Bryan Ferry & David Bowie was my true musical hero.
Favorite Books East of the sun West of the moon, Portrait of an Artist as a young man, The little Prince, Portrait of an Artist as an old man, The Gods Themselves.

If there's no I in team, why is there meat?

meat = team