Bert M. Drona
My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Consulting |
Occupation | Project Engineering - Risk Assessment & Verification (BioPharm & Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.) |
Location | United States |
Links | Audio Clip |
Introduction | FILIPINO NATIONALISM -is the bottom line;sine-qua-non for the common good of the native (Malay/Indio)Filipino majority. Nationalism must precede any plan/action in dealing with globalization. EDUCATION- being educated is beyond just being schooled towards a profession or practical vocation; we need the Humanities/liberal arts to develop/apply CRITICAL ANALYSIS/THINKING to understand, identify, plan, act & safeguard the needed fundamental and/or systemic changes towards economic/political progress, social justice, and social transformation. GOVERNMENT - its raison d'etre is to lead/serve the native majority, foster nationalism via its institutions, ensure the masses are critically literate to have real democracy. FREEDOM & DISSENT - free thought is necessarily aggressive and critical; we protect the freedom to discover truth; we encourage dissent, not for sentimental reasons, but because we cannot live without it. PATRIOTISM is NOT: " My country, right or wrong;" but " if right, to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right!" RELIGION/BELIEFS: No Deus ex Machina. No established religion. Humanism/Existentialism. |
Interests | Reading, backpacking in Europe, biking, trail hiking, Camino de Santiago, reloading ammos for, and shooting big bore and wildcat handguns (Thompson/Center Contenders), and pre-1970s military firearms -- a 1912 customized, 6.5mmx55mm Swedish Mauser is most accurate, most favorite deer rifle. |
Favorite Movies | {All movies with/by: Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, Michael Douglas} Stalingrad, Man for All Seasons, Amadeus, The Mission, The Godfather 1&2, The Fixer (Malamud), Napoleon, Alfie, Falling Down, Road to Perdition, Band of Brothers, Eyes on the Prize (Civil Rights), Vietnam - a Television History, PBS Empires Series, The War (Ken Burns}, et al. |
Favorite Music | Those by: Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Mathis, Santana, Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Doors, many 60s music, Apo Hiking, Rico Puno, Kuh Ledesma, Freddie Aguilar, Marvin Gaye, Grover Washington, George Benson, Bob Marley, Itzal Perlman, Sarah Brightman, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, our Kundiman, Spanish Guitars, Chris Botti, Lady Gaga, Leonard Cohen |
Favorite Books | NONFICTIONS especially those authored by: Renato Constantino, Hernando Abaya, Walden Bello, Albert Camus, Henry Steele Commager, Vance Packard, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Noam Chomsky, Edward W Said, Erich Fromm, Hans Kung, Karen Armstrong, Ignace Lepp, Bishop Spong, John K. Galbraith, Bertrand Russell, HA Overstreet, Arnold Toynbee, Gunnar Myrdal, Gordon Alport, Thomas, Julian & Aldous (the Huxleys), Garry Wills, Gordon Wood, Howard Zinn, Karen Armstrong, et al. |