Frankie Furter and Ernie

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About me

Gender Male
Occupation Being cute and smart and funny.
Location Southeastern, Ohio, United States
Introduction I am black and tan and have long curly hair. I enjoy writing my blog. I live in the country with my human parents. I really enjoy doing my yard work. I also have a 4-wheeler. I love to ride it up and down the road and out into the woods. I do have a license, but it is not for driving the 4-wheeler. My people have to do that for me because I am too little. I was in one community theater play. My character won the most favorite character award. I got a gift card to Petsmart. I used it to buy some food to donate to the county Animal Shelter. I visit people in nursing homes. I am MARRIED to TWO beautiful girrrls. Their names are Ruby and Penny. They live in CANADA. We were MARRIED ON August 21,2010. We had over 100 "guests" at the wedding. I am a happy guy!!! My Favorite Quote is: "Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can,In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as you ever can. by:John Wesley" On Oct. 15, 2011 I got my very OWN Puppy, Ernie.
Interests I like yard work, 4-wheeler riding, chasing RODENTS, being brushed, sniffing, and digging any where at any time. I also love my beautiful Ruby and lovely Penny. On October 15, 2011 I got my very OWN PUPPY, Ernie.
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