carcharodon carcharias
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- 2nd City Warzone
- 4-Ones
- Adeptus Alcoholicus
- Adeptus Alcoholicus
- Ashmedai's Paint Purgatory
- Blackmoor's 40K Blog
- Brian Carlson Miniatures
- Bringer of Victory
- Crusading and Painting
- Daemon Inks Studios
- Defending Humanity
- Eye of Error
- Fighting Company Devjon
- Freebooter Kash
- From the Deep
- GWpertinent and MORE
- Lamenters 40k
- Legion of Plastic
- Mengel Miniatures
- On the Painting Table
- Recalcitrant Daze
- Romantic Chess
- Sippin' On Paint Water
- Sons of Taurus
- Spaaaaccee Shaaarrrkkks!
- Tale of Painters
- The Fly Lords of Terra
- The Heralds of Ruin Gaming and Painting Blog Archive
- The Red Wake
- Waaagh Boomstick
- Wargamer Hub
- Wargamer: Fritz | Warhammer 40K, X-Wing Miniatures, Battletech, Board Games
- Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Conversions and Painted Miniatures
- Zen 40K
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Graphic Designer |
Location | United Kingdom |
Introduction | Graphic designing father of 2 sons, a sprinkling of Black Templars, Bad Moon Orks, Carcharodons, throw in some Shadespire now too. More paint than play, and never enough time for either. |
Interests | Films, 40k universe, family, finding a balance between those three! |
Favorite Movies | It's a Wonderful Life, Aliens, Watchmen, 300, The Night of the Hunter, Lord of the Rings |
Favorite Music | Babybird, Sparklehorse, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath |
Favorite Books | Lord of the Rings |
Is a Jaffa Cake, a cake or a biscuit?