Alan Yu
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Gender | Male |
Industry | Religion |
Occupation | Pastor |
Location | Vancouver / Richmond, British Columbia, Canada |
Introduction | Dr. Alan Yu 余子麟博士早年隨家人從香港移民加拿大,並畢業於卑斯大學 (University of British Columbia) 土木工程系;後赴美國及丹麥進修,獲建築學碩士。回溫哥華定居後,以工餘時間於維真神學院 (Regent College) 進修,主修市場神學及應用神學,獲基督教研究碩士;並於美國韋伯敬拜研究學院 (Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies) 獲敬拜學博士,研究敬拜與門徒訓練的互動。Alan現於美國福樂神學院 (Fuller Theological Seminary) 修讀教牧學博士課程,研究靈修神學。 Alan為溫哥華西區浸信會助理牧師。Alan與在大學任職的妻子Constance育有三名兒子Alpha, Archer和Aslan。 |
Interests | eating, travelling, sleeping, listening to music, watching tv, idling, chatting with insightful people |
Favorite Movies | Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, The Sound of Music, Magnolia, X-Men, Matrix, Beauty and the Beast, Children of Heaven, 我的野蠻女友 |
Favorite Music | 林憶蓮, 達明一派, 仙鳳鳴劇團, Tim Hughes, Matt Redman, Soler, 王菀之, 謝安琪, 林一峰, 方大同, 藍奕邦, 盧廣仲, Stuart Townend |
Favorite Books | Bible, 喬硯農中文字典, 人子, 獻給無名的傳道者, My Utmost For His Highest, The Screwtape Letters |