Deborah Orr

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Science
Occupation Ex-pharmacist, Author, Herbalist
Location Palm Harbor, Florida, United States
Links Wishlist
Introduction Of my 30 yrs inside the medical system, I spent 10 fighting to keep it from killing my dad. I learned a lot about the business of medicine, deciding that people should know the risks they face at the hands of a system designed to hide the fact that profit is more important than human life. Drug companies need sickness and disease to survive so harmful vaccines are being forced on us. We are drugging our children into becoming killers and over 225,000 people die premature deaths each year at the hands of a system funded by special interests. From the education of medical teams to the regulatory system established to protect us - the drug companies own them! Compounding the risks of medical treatment is the fact that we are being poisoned by frankenfoods designed to increase profit for that industry. Lastly, these same profit mongers have used their money to suppress research about the human body's ability to heal. We live in a toxic soup yet everything we need to be healthy was put here by the Creator, not the corporations! My goal is to answer the questions of why we've lost our loved ones and how we can protect ourselves from the monster created by capitalism and corruption.
Interests Sailing, animals, digital art, whole food veganism, psychoimmunology, mosaics, travel, travel, travel!

How many must die?