Moira Brown

About me

Gender Female
Industry Science
Occupation Senior Scientist New England Aquarium and Canadian Whale Insitute
Location Rowley, MA, United States
Introduction I joined the New England Aquarium right whale research team in 1985 as a volunteer and have been back to the Bay of Fundy every year since. After completing my PhD at the University of Guelph (Guelph, Ontario) I emmigrated to the US and worked at the College of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor ME) and Center for Coastal Studies (Cape Cod, MA) before joining the Aquarium team year round in Boston in 2003. My goal is to use our data to work with industry to develop, implement and monitor conservation measures to encourage right whale recovery. Most of my conservation work is focused on the Canadian habitat areas right whales use in the summer and fall. Although I have studied right whales at sea in all their known haunts, there is nothing like returning to the Bay of Fundy and Roseway Basin in the waters of Atlantic Canada. But is with even greater anticipation and excitement that we will be surveying in Jordan Basin in the late fall of 2010. This area may be the mating ground, the location of which has evaded us for 30 years.
Interests Right whale science and conservation. Hobbies include golf, skiing, biking, and boats of any sort.