My blogs
Blogs I follow
- 'So, Zo...'
- A2K - A Seasonal Veg Table
- down to earth
- Kindred of the Quiet Way
- Life for us
- Montana Wildlife Gardener
- Root Simple
- Searching for a Balance
- Tall Pines Cat
- Tall Pines Hiker
- Thrift at Home
Gender | Female |
Location | Montana, United States |
Introduction | You are not separate from the whole. You are one with the sun, the earth, the air. You don't have a life. You are life. --Eckhart Tolle |
Interests | Music, dancing, hiking, camping, sewing, gardening, walking, cooking, photography, baking, sustainability, art, backpacking, DIY, family, agriculture, birds, reading, journaling, photography, peace, homemaking, spirituality, plain people, trees, simplicity, farmer's markets, the Grateful Dead, eating, recycling, tea, history, flowers, playing guitar, canning, singing, food, nature, joy, yoga, bicycling, negative population growth, mushrooms, libraries, barefeet, knitting, John Muir, self-reliance, composting, crafts, folf, kite flying, wonder |
Favorite Music | The Grateful Dead (in all their incarnations from the original to DSO to Furthur). Also, folk, reggae, and bluegrass. |
Favorite Books | Oh, there are WAY too many, to list, but... No-Impact Man, In Defense of Food, Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy, One Man's Wilderness, Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe Superathletes and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen, Walden, Amish Peace: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World, Food Rules: An Eater's Manual, Lost in My Own Backyard: A Walk in Yellowstone National Park, Watership Down, Summer World, Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, The Butter Battle Book, And anything by Kurt Vonnegut or Christopher Moore. |