
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Oakton, Virginia, United States
Introduction Hi. I'm Janet. Nice to meet you. Run With Me. Because Running Is Fun
Interests Trail running, ultra running, weights, yoga, cycling, sometimes swimming if forced to by peer pressure during injury
Favorite Movies Oh Brother Where are Thou, Juno, A Room with a View, Amadeus, Young Frankenstein, Shawshank Redemption, Castaway, Kill Bill I and II, Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor), Walking with Cavemen (documentary). Farenheit 911
Favorite Music Barouque classic, modern and classical jazz, blues, classic rock
Favorite Books Dorian Gray, Homer's The Odyssey, Clockwork Orange, Pride and Prejudice, To Kill a Mockingbird, Farewell to Arms, The Sonnets (Shakespear), Random trash novels from the grocery store checkout line

How to deal with existential angst?