Leslie Wheaton

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Transportation
Occupation Freight Broker Agent
Location Way Down in South Texas, Texas, United States
Introduction Hi! Welcome to the Horsebrush. I am a Christian, wife, mother of Will and Brecca, daughter and sister. A doTerra Wellness Advocate, care taker of 1 mare (Brecca's), 5 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 geriatric show bunny, amateur blogger. I love sharing what I'm learning in by online Bible studies and use of Essential Oils. I love to cook and eat so I'll be sharing recipes too. I brag on my kids too much so just bear with me. I'm a big DIY'er. If it's good I'll share... if not... well it goes to the dumpster! I hope you enjoy what I have to offer and please comment and give me your ideas on how I can improve this blog.
Interests God, my family, my friends, Essential Oils, reading, food, recipes, rodeo(at least the ones my daughter is entered in), horse training, Pinterest!, art, painting, crafting, bead looming, and much much more!