Michelle Gibson

About me

Introduction whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Ecc 9:10a
Interests Abba Yah, Yahusha haMashiach, seeking the old paths, embracing our spiritual heritage, following the wonderful law of liberty and Commandments and statutes of Yah, being a helpmeet to my husband, mama to my six blessings, sister and friend, home education, homebirthing, homesteading, homecrafting, fresh milled grain, natural leaven/sourdough, natural healthcare, essential oils, organic/natural lifestyle, 100% linen, 100% wool, hiking in the mountains, photography, sewing, knitting, scrapbooking, blogging, reading, thinking, always learning, always growing
Favorite Music Hymns, Sounds Like Reign (https://www.soundslikereign.com/), The Biegel Family Album (https://tinyurl.com/thebiegelfamilyalbum)
Favorite Books the Bible, and books by Hannah Hurnard, Charlotte Mason, and Elizabeth Prentiss.