susan smith nash
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Blogs I follow
Industry | Technology |
Location | United States |
Links | Audio Clip, Wishlist |
Introduction | Interdisciplinary background, energy industry professional (petroleum geologist), diversified, with B.S. in Geology, graduate studies in Economics, M.A. and Ph.D. in English. Since the 1990s, Nash has developed and administered economic development, e-learning and hybrid learning programs at universities, corporations, and not-for-profits. Focus: Interdisciplinary innovation; science, technology, leadership, and humanities. Books include Quick-Start Guide to Canvas (2017, Packt Publishing); Quick-Start Guide to Graduate Reserach and Writing (2016), Moodle Course Design Best Practices (PacktPub, 2014), Designing Moodle Themes [video] (PacktPub, 2013), Moodle for Training and Prof Dev [video] (PacktPub, 2013), E-Learning Success (2012), E-Learners Survival Guide (2010), Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques (Packt Pub, 2010); Klub Dobrih Dijanj (Ljubljana, 2009); Excellence in College Teaching and Learning (CC Thomas,2008) co-authored with George Henderson. Current Interests: Spanish / Latin American culture, Industrial / Technological Revolutions, Poetics, Tennis |