Riley Starks

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation farmer, fisher, restauranteur
Location Lummi Island, Wa
Introduction I was raised in rural Everett, and also France from the years 10 to 14. I graduated from WWU in 1972, in Political Science, heading toward Law School at OSU. Instead I bought a fishing boat and have fished commercially all my life. Judy and I started Nettles Farm in 1992, producing fresh pasta and ravioli growing vegetables, eggs, and meat chickens for stores and restaurants throughout Puget Sound. We had our own USDA on-farm slaughterhouse for chickens for 4 years, producing slow growing chickens that rivaled Label Rouge chickens in France. Judy and I bought the Willows Inn on Lummi Island in March, 2001, wanting to complete the circle of our farm food to the restaurant plate.
Interests Flavorful wholesome food, Politics, art, reefnetting, farming
Favorite Movies Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Usual Suspects, old fashioned romanctic comedies
Favorite Music Mark Knopfler, Hank Williams, Van Morrison, James Taylor
Favorite Books Hobbit, Time and the Soul (Jacob Needleman), Inspector Morse mysteries