My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Daffadowndilly's
- design dump
- Green Street
- High-Heeled Foot in the Door
- Living the Well Appointed Life with Melissa Hawks: Style, Fashion, Home Decor, Decorating Blog
- Made By Girl
- Milk and Honey Home
- Mrs. French
- oh, hello friend: you are loved.
- postcards and pretties
- Rashon Carraway
- seek, savor, share
- Silhouette Blog
- Swoon! Interiors
- Tearing Up Houses
- The Handbag Aficionado
- Twice Nice
- vignette design
- Vintage Junky - Creating Character
- {re}cycled consign and design
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Vintage Rentals |
Location | Lincoln, Nebraska, United States |
Favorite Movies | Juno, Fight Club, Hot Fuzz, 28 Days Later, The Corporation, Lost in Translation, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang |
Favorite Music | Arcade Fire, Interpol, U2, Coldplay, Marissa Nadler, Any 90s Grunge |
Favorite Books | Memoirs of a Geisha, The Time Traveler's Wife, Soul of a Citizen, Beloved, If Grace is True |