Martin Winckler (Marc Zaffran)
My blogs
Occupation | Médecin et écrivain/Physician writer |
Location | Montréal, Québec, Canada |
Introduction | Médecin et écrivant/Physician and Writer. Fiction & Non fiction. "La maladie de Sachs", POL 1998 "The Case of Dr Sachs" (Seven Stories Press 2000) ; "Le Choeur des femmes"; POL, 2009 ; En souvenir d'André", POL, 2012, Folio 2014) ; "Abraham et fils" (POL 2016, Folio 2017) ; "Les Histoires de Franz" (POL 2017). Website : "Winckler's Webzine" ( Contacts : martinwinckler(at) |
Interests | Littératures populaires, psychologie évolutionniste et anthropologie, critique darwinienne, téléséries, cinéma, time travel romance. |
Favorite Movies | Redbeard (A. Kurosawa), Johnny Got His Gun (D. Trumbo), If (L. Anderson), Random Harvest (Mervyn Le Roy), Seven Samurai (A. Kurosawa), Rashomon (A. Kurosawa), Rio Bravo (H. Hawks), Citizen Kane (O. Welles), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (M. Gondry), Memento (C. Nolan), Cashback (S. Ellis), An Affair to Remember (L. McCarey), Heaven Can Wait (E. Lubitsch), The Man Who Killed Liberty Valance (J. Ford) |
Favorite Music | The Beatles, Bill Evans, G. Gershwin, Cole Porter, la comédie musicale en général, les chanteuses de jazz (Tierney Sutton, Stacey Kent, Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Krall), la samba, les groupes qui chantent a capella (de The King's Singers à The Blanks)... |
Favorite Books | "The Gods Themselves", "I, Asimov" (I. Asimov). Anything by Bill Bryson. "Mother Nature" (Sarah Blaffer Hrdy)... |